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I Forge Iron

Forge hood design with 10 inch pipe

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Hi all,

I have a piece of insulated ten inch i.d. pipe that I'm going to use for the inside shop, and I need a suitable hood to use it with. I was thinking about the super sucker side draft design, as a full chimney hood above my forge is not suitable for me at the moment. Can I use a downscaled design, as the super sucker plans call for 12 inch i.d. pipe, or is there another design that is more suitable to use with 10 inch i.d. pipe?

Thanks for your replies.


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Scale the opening of the hood down to keep the same area ratio between the side draft opening and the stack. You’ll want the smaller area to create a higher air velocity at hood, but not small enough to restrict the air flow.


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Goods, can I keep the rest of the measurements equal? Or should I scale everything down proportionally?

Anvil, I assumed the same, but I wanted to know for sure before investing time and energy in a design that wouldn't work like I wanted to. The stack will be run quite high, it will stick out about 3 meter from the roof and another 2 meters from the roof to the hood.



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I would just be worried about the opening. Adjusting the opening size is not that difficult to experiment with. Clamp some sheet metal on when you first fire it up. You can keep moving it around till it works best, then trim it up and weld it in place. (I still have 2” strip clamped to mine…)


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