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I Forge Iron

Diogenes in the barrel


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I usually have completely ground blades without a finish on my workbench for a while.

As a result of this, they are also repeatedly used for cutting work that occasionally occurs at the workbench.

That can say something about their potential ... relatively, of course.

The 2419.05 has undoubtedly "articulated" itself here more often. and often achieved amazing performance.

Reason enough to make a test knife out of it.

Grinded to 0.10 mm, the cutting edge nails the bare thumbnail clearly and is so disgustingly sharp that you can feel it

could ask whether that's too much of a good thing .... no matter what kind of steel, if it's so thin you should look at the area of application and

think about the stress well ... the 2419.05 has enormous edge stability and keeps the fine sharpness in such a way that you get the impression that the steel is thinking for you.

I used a scrap of wood that I found in the jungle a few months ago .... and I have no clue what kind of wood it is .... Extremely hard, fine-pored, mustard-colored and very willing to work with.

As a shape I chose a small flat tang puukko with a fluted barrel handle ... this handle shape combined with this texture has a

impressive feel ..... and the sheath had to have a clip.

Without its advantages and carrying options, I would not put it in and take it with me ... this makes it clear that a good knife

with a functional sheath becomes a better knife .....

These properties are the prerequisite that a knife is used often and often and only then is it meaningful as a test knife.













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  • 1 month later...

I just finished another Diogenes.....Did you know that Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn was symbolized to be Diogenes?....dwelling in a barrel and smoking weed ....

...well it must have been weed, because there is no other kind of tobacco that could made the boys fall asleep.....

So this could be the perfect tool for Huck whittling corn club pipes.







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Templehound, I look forward to seeing each one of your pieces of art. Everyone of them are beautiful pieces of craftsmanship and totally functional as a real tool that is designed to be used for the intended purpose that it was designed for 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Daswulf and Mr.Slag, Thank You very much, Gentlemen!:)

Mr Slag: The handle is made from Indian almond wood (Terminalia Catappa). This tree grows literally everywhere here in the south. Very hard and very tough material.

On the internet I found nothing about this wood.

The tree is in wikipedia and the wood is mentioned there...." The wood is red and solid, and has high water resistance; it has been used in Polynesia for making canoes"



The steel 1.2419.05 is a special melt from Friedr. Lohmann GmbH. in Germany

Its alloy is very similar to this steel:


...but with 0,60% more Cr and an addition of 0,30% Mo.



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