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I Forge Iron

Veteran's day?


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I just realized it's Veteran's day and I don't recall seeing anything on the forum. Did I miss it or something?

I want to thank everybody who served, especially combat veterans. Without you there wouldn't be an America, you ARE America.

I offer my most humble and sincere thank you.

Frosty The Lucky.

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This may be more of a Memorial Day thought but besides those of us vets who were lucky enough to come home and grow old and become blacksmiths remember the young men and women who didn't come home and be able to be recognized on Veterans' Day.  There have been way too many of them.


late of 1/C/1/12 Cav, 1 Cav Div (airmobile), Republic of Viet Nam, 1970-71

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Also those who came home, but had issues adjusting.  A friend of mine was Special Forces in Nam; but had trouble adjusting when he got back and ended up an unsolved murder.  This is not a new thing, it took my Grandfather 50 years before he could talk about his experiences on Iwo Jima in WWII and books written in the 1920's and 1930's mention Veterans with problems after WWI.

Not all scars can be seen!

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