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I Forge Iron

my first real anvil

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10 minutes ago, Chelonian said:

Looks great! If you haven't already, be sure to dress/radius the edges of that HF hammer before using it to avoid putting marks in your work or your new anvil.

I plan on it, had to stop by the harbor freight to get the flat dollie so I figured I'd give it a try

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Uh . . . OH! Got me good there Chelonian, you really had me going for a second! Good joke, mark a Soderfors anvil with a  HF hammer. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: !  Oh wait, what kind of marks, streaks and smudges of cheap HF steel on the anvil's face? That could happen I've put little flat spots on my Diamond rounding hammer with missed blows so I suppose there could be some left behind. 

You are a card Buddy, thanks for the laugh. :)

Mr. Anderson: I see we're typing at the same time while I was making a joke it is a real good idea to dress your hammers or they'll not only mark your work they'll cause sharp indentations that can damage what you make. A sharp inside corner is a "stress riser" and can do to steel what the scratch from a glass cutter does to glass, for the same reason.

Round the edges and corners a little a 1/8" radius is plenty and you can always widen it if you need more.

Frosty The Lucky.

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10 hours ago, Frosty said:

Did you put a seat belt on it for the ride home? It sounds silly but imagine being in a roll over accident with an anvil

I have ALL of my blacksmithing equipment in the back of my SUV except for the stumps and forges. Getting hit with an anvil or a post vise was the first thing I thought about. I use a cargo net over the whole pile and even have a few things strapped to the floor in addition to the net. 


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9 hours ago, JW513 said:

That anvil reminds me of my 300lbs Hay Budden, it looks like it has been used a lot, but by someone who knew what they where doing.

There's a lot of shallow marks on the sides which i can't quite explain but the table is flat.

I need to get going on a sand box for it. The base is 12x14 inches so i was thinking if i made the sandbox 13x15 inches inside that would be enough room. What do you think? I have some 3/4 plywood leftover from another project, so I'm thinking i can use that for the box. What do y'all think? 

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