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How old is my anvil?

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Hi recently purchased an eagle anvil in great shape but not sure how much it weighs... the dimensions of the face are 5 1/4 X 17 1/2 and it either says 20 or 28 on the foot.. not sure if it is 200 pounds or 280 pounds since I have no way of weighing it. Also I do not see any dates on it. I will attach photos and I appreciate your input in advance! 







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Looks like you have a very nice anvil there. I believe the Eagle brand was made by Fisher & Norris, I'll bet Josh will be along to confirm that and he is the curator of the Fisher & Norris museum.

I hope you have read about not doing any grinding, milling or welding on the hardened face, which does more harm than good.


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Hello Davidfaith, I'll take a guess and say it's sometime between 1952 and 1961.  I don't see the Eagle logo so maybe this is from the time they shipped out with a paper tag that said "Eagle Anvil".  You could try looking under the base as well but there's probably nothing there.  This anvil looks really excellent.  I don't see hammer or cutting marks and the edges look mint.  Congratulations -- nice find.  Joshua A. Kavett published a book on Eagle anvils in 2020.  It's a really excellent read.  Unfortunately, I have only read it ounce and I'll need to read it many more times to get the information to stay in my head.

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Does anyone recognize this pair of anvils?

i bought these from Greenwood (anvil collector) a few years back. 

Joe Bill Moad

Antelope Hills, Oklahoma

I am moving them from my shop to a new shop we are putting together. They weigh over 700 a piece. Solid Iron.



antelope hills oklahoma

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The indention right beside the hardy hole on the one on the left is the aftermath of a bombing at the factory that indented the face by a piece of hot magnesium from the bomb. Anyone out there know where these anvils originated from?



antelope hills okl

They are in use. The pic i have of them was before they were set up. Had to take out  a wall in shed to get them mounted. They are from a German Foundary that built them during the war. 


antelope hills ok

They are in my profile picture.



Joe Bill Moad

Antelope Hills Oklahoma

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On 4/12/2021 at 9:51 PM, HickoryTree said:

 I'll take a guess and say it's sometime between 1952 and 1961.  I don't see the Eagle logo so maybe this is from the time they shipped out with a paper tag that said "Eagle Anvil".  You could try looking under the base as well but there's probably nothing there.  This anvil looks really excellent.  I don't see hammer or cutting marks and the edges look mint.  Congratulations -- nice find.  Joshua A. Kavett published a book on Eagle anvils in 2020.  It's a really excellent read. 

Hickory Tree is correct.  From the photos, it appears that your anvil was from the 1950s, when F&N was not marking their anvils.  My book is available. PM me.


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