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MIG means Metal Inert Gas welding, MAG means Metal active Gas welding. Since CO2 reacts to nothing it is very good for welding low voltages. But gas mixtures get you better results (less sparks, being able to weld faster and such) most mixtures are Ar, CO2 and O2. Your local gas supplier can tell you all about the differences. 

just make sure that when you use gas from a bottle you don't use to much flow, about 10 to 12 L/min is enough.


My old tombstone ran me US$40 and will probably get handed down to  grand kid.  It my be older than me!  Copper wound and I hear lincoln has been good about stocking parts. It's the antithesis of "fancy"; but it's paid for itself several times over so far.  I run it from the old electric stove outlet in the kitchen---it came with an "extension cord".

Of course I have to wait till my wife is on a trip to use it as I run the extension cord through the window and behind our propane stove...


That's one thing about welding transformers, there is almost nothing that can break on them. The ones I learned to weld with in the factory where beasts of machines. Could weld all day long at 600A, big red hunks of copper and steel with large metal wheels for transporting them, you just had to stick two brooms in the front of them and you could cart them around like a wheel barrow. Don't know the brand but like everything in that factory it could be pre WWII.


Ahh, I just got the "tombstone" reference - I was wondering about that.  The ones shaped like a tombstone (like the Lincoln ones I see).  Good stuff.


Yup, the Lincoln "tombstone" welder has been sold looking pretty much the same for almost 60 years now.  Another common welding phrase "Red or Blue" refers to the two well respected brands: Lincoln (R) and Miller (B).  Often used in sayings like---"You can't go wrong buying red or blue!"


End caps welded on with no leaks - check (thanks to invaluable help from EVERYONE on this thread.)

Hole pattern figured out - check

Castable mold built, with holes and straws - check

Refractory poured and plenum set - check

Mold release/vasoline/crisco smeared into mold and on straws -... um, wait.





The word "scrap" (remove the s) is considered inappropriate?  Strictest language filter I've ever seen.  Anyway, point is, I forgot to use a mold release.  Removing this will be fun.


Depends on how you use it, it's a gray zone word. You used it as an explicative so it was a no-no. However as a term for general clutter or undesirable stuff, it's okay. I use it that way frequently and if there were a problem I WOULD have heard about it. Maybe on the side but hear I would. 

Yeah, they strictly enforce the TOS you agreed to when you subscribed. Two of the three poison subjects are strictly forbidden, Religion and politics will put you on the moderated list or get you 86ed if you try to get around or ignore the rules.  You can ask folk to pray for someone or vote, no problem. Just don't say who to pray to or vote for!

If you REALLY want to see an Admin reaction try calling somebody names or start a fight. Admin won't be the only people coming down on you. Members of the forum WILL discuss the issue, maybe on the open forum, maybe via PM. The vast majority of us LIKE a friendly forum and will do what we can to keep it so.

We can talk about money but not as the subject itself. It's another gray zone but it's not strong poison. There's no trouble talking about how you price a product or budget the craft as  a problem. Talking about investing is stocks or CD and buying gold as a topic will get you talked to. Make sense? 

Anyway, IFI rules take a little getting used to but they're based on common sense and the desire to have a forum anybody can let their little children read without having to explain adult material or bad behavior.



Another thing about the forum is every member can contribute to moderation, by clicking on the report button. Doing that brings the post to one of the moderators attention to review. I've used that feature several times myself. Being a past sailor and retired police officer, I'm no stranger to fussin, cussin, bad mouthing and fighting but don't like it on a forum.


Frosty and Iron Dragon have provided good explanations.   Miss-spelling or using typing characters such as @$*+ etc do not change the intent.  Inappropriate language is all about the intent of how it is used.

Warnings are the soft wears choice of how to get a members attention. Consider it more of a gentle reminder for the first ones. 


I get it, I just don't understand it.  No one will complain about using the word "xxxx", which, if you do a search, is all over this forum, and defined by any dictionary as a curse word (in it's usage, except in one case where it's a mis-spelling of the word dam).  BUT, the word "xxxx" gets you flagged?

Don't get me wrong - I know how to follow rules, and I'm not some kid (I have grandchildren), but the rules (at least the ones about what is and isn't profanity) are not very clear - and definitely not clear in such a way as to lead someone to understand that they can say xxxx all day long, but not xxxx.

Just saying - if people are expected to follow rules that specific, they should be able to see those specific rules.

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