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I Forge Iron

Anvil query


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Good morning all, I wondered if anyone could shed any light on this anvil,  from my online searches I think I've deduced that it's a mousehole anvil,  however I'm stumped as to why there's no hardie or pritchel on the face. I am just negotiating a price with a guy and he's offered me this for £100. I currently have an anvil from Amazon, one of the Chinese 66lb Orions and wondered if it's worth upgrading. 





anvil uk.jpg


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If it’s not stamped Mousehole, it’s not a Mousehole (aka The Undisputed King of Anvils). Remember that there were a lot of anvil makers in England, and relatively few of the small shops actually stamped their products.

 That said, this looks like an 18th century (maybe earlier) anvil (often called “colonial” in the US), possibly from the Sheffield area in England. Hardy holes weren’t universal at that point, and the pritchel hole hasn’t been invented yet.

 Probably a decent purchase, either for use or for sale to a collector. If you do use it, keep the other one to use as a portable hole, for holding hardy tools and for punching. 

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