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I Forge Iron

Help with Identification

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A friend of mine purchased this anvil but doesn't want it now. He says its English and weighs 189 lbs. It looks to be in better shape than my Peter Wright, but I can't read the name from the picture. Anyone have any ideas?



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Ok. Sounds good. If its good I'll buy it. Problem being there is not enough room in my shop for two anvils, and the wife would question the need for two so what could I get for my Peter Wright?



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What to get for you PW? That's easy a larger shop, even an extension is good. Certainly easier than overhead storage for the anvil that's not being used.

Your PW looks to be in good shape an it's on a good stand. What it's worth depends on the market where you live. I can't give you a guesstimate on an asking price. The asking price on the Wilkinson is pretty darn good. Grab it now and worry about selling the one you like least a little later. I'll square it with the missus.

 Frosty The Lucky.

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I like the way you think Frosty! If you square it with the wife I can likely find a nook in the shop for a second anvil.:D


I paid $325 for my PW two years ago. Anvils go for $4 to $5 a pound for much worse condition than mine in my area. 

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Stack on anvil on top of another?   My teaching anvils are lined up along the path to the door of the shop for easier loading---don't try to navigate that path using a magnetic compass!

Tell her it's an investment for your estate sale; please give her my phone number too!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I  recently purchased a Hay-Budden anvil.  The weight is very close to 150lbs.  I can make out the S/N found under the horn to be #60836, any ideas when the date of mfg. I paid $500 from a family member. Thanks for any help on ID the Hay-Budden and Brooklyn are fairly legible.

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According to AIA if the serial number does not have an A prefix, it was made in 1901. Do you have any pictures of it? If it is in good condition and depending upon where in the world you are located, the price you paid is reasonable in today's market.

56 minutes ago, lonerock said:

ideas when the date of mfg.


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