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I Forge Iron

New anvil, new stand and seems to be working ok.

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Evening all - Im just starting out and bought myself an anvil and made a stand - I designed it myself but copied from a number of other stands I have seen in use. The anvil is a relatively perfect 400 Lb Peter Wright. It was a bit rusty but a good wire brush and linseed oil has it looking fantastic. The stand weighs about 100 Lbs so the combined weight is substantial. Legs full of sand etc...top plate is 1" thick, I have drilled a couple of holes through and have two hook bolts onto the chain that surrounds the waist of the anvil. There is a 2 mm rubber sheet between the anvil and top plate. It is absolutely solid. I am loving getting started and learning bits as I go. I have been watching Alec Steele for the last few years and so im following some of his practice projects - 100 leaves etc. (I've done 4......!)

Any pointers/observations/problems on the anvil or stand please let me have them.

Kind regards,


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It came from a railway workshop, its had use but no sway whatsoever - im no expert but even I can appreciate its a fantastic tool!

Yes rebound with a large ball bearing almost no decline in bounce at all. Ring sounds good but i have nothing to compare it too so its probably wasted on me... 

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That stand looks tiny with the anvil! My 150lb Colombian would look better on it than that beast. I could help you out and swap you for it... ;)

Honestly, looks like a good heavy work setup. Now, just put it to work!



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