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I Forge Iron

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I have been wanting to start black/knifesmithing but the anvil was always the cost getting in my way. Even an old chunk of railroad track around here was "collectible" and cost a fortune.

I have been trying to get my Great Grandfather's Forge from my uncle for some time. Well, he finally let it go. I picked it all up yesterday and to my surprise I got my GGF's anvil as well.

I have attached pictures. Any help identifying the forge would be appreciated. The blower is a The Silver MFG Company 913. I couldn't find any info on that, just some catalogues I couldn't access. I'm thinking the forge may be the same. The blower is now attached to an old milk/creme separator, I assume to take advantage of the gear ratio. Very stiff, but I have it turning now.

The anvil is a Henry Wright. 134lbs. Seems to be in very good shape. Can't wait to get it all up and running. I still plan to build a propane forge, but for now i will give this a try.







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Welcome to IFI! If you haven't yet, please READ THIS FIRST!!!

We generally recommend not disassembling blowers if you don't have to, as it's easy to get gears out of sync, lose small (and irreplaceable) parts, etc. If it works, don't worry about it.

Nice looking anvil. Thoughts about how you plan to mount it?

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Nice anvil, great stand on that blower! Cream Separators are the top of the line for reuse as bases for other equipment.  As long as it still blows when you put it back together, you're golden. 

Now put a forge together and get to hammering!  Charcoal is a usable fuel if you can't find coal or coke nearby. You are off to a great start!

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1 hour ago, JHCC said:

We generally recommend not disassembling blowers if you don't have to, Nice looking anvil. 

Thanks. I will have a read of that. I am going to use the techniques I have read on here to determine my optimal height and then probably mount on a hardwood stump for now.

1 hour ago, Michael said:

Nice anvil, great stand on that blower! Now put a forge together and get to hammering!  

It has been sitting outside for many, many years I think. I have MOST of the debris out from around the gears. Vacuum and compressed air next. I have it turning now. That was half the battle.

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Your anvil looks almost new. Have you looked up the nearest ABANA affiliate to you? You will progress much faster with some help from an experienced smith or smiths versus learning on your own.  Welcome to IFI, glad to have you. Be safe and remember it's supposed to be fun. 


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Can't say anything about the blower but the forge looks usable to me. You got that anvil that's in good condition so you've got the hard part over. I'd much rather have an improvised forge than anvil but your forge looks like you could use it. I don't know if I'd do anything to it. The tuyere has that piece gone but if the clay is stable it should still work. I'd use it as is until the clay covering the missing piece fails. 


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