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I Forge Iron

How to make a cork screw thing???


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Ok, I need to make some earth anchors out of either 3/8" or 1/2" stainless steel round rod. If you have ever seen those dog anchors that are similar to a cork screw. (helix ? )How would be the easiest way to do this? Has anyone ever made such a beast? Thanx for any and all replies. Dennis

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An auger is a rod, bar, pipe, etc. - around which a helix is attached. This is commonly two pieces of flat wound like ribbons. This is what a post hole digger looks like and works quite well.

If you want to make a wine corkscrew shape, forge a point on a round bar, then wrap around a tapered mandrel. The corkscrew will now be at right angles to the bar, so you have to bend at a 90 and then center it so the screw will be centered on the rod. Look at a dog anchor at a pet store and you'll see the form.

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I point the business end and then wrap around a piece of pipe. I would guess 3" would work well for 1/2" rod. Wrap it so each turn is touching the last (picture a tension spring at rest). Remove from mandrel. Then take an even heat on the whole thing and gently pull from each end to stretch. Then with a local heat bend the top end 90 like Hollis said above to be in line with the screw.

The last one of these I made was for a giant foam lemon whose original hanger had pulled out. It was for display at a food stand for friends at the state fair.

I helped a friend make a couple large anchors of this type for a wooden jib crane in his yard. Instead of wrapping hot around a mandrel we did the coils cold on the hossfeld and then heated to stretch. They turned out great. He is left handed, I am left handed, and so were the anchors! :D

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