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I Forge Iron

New Tools :)

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Yesterday I went up to Finnr's house, and picked up my newly acquired tools. :)
I bought...

124lb Wilkinson anvil
Champion 400 Blower
4in Post-Vise

for $316, I thought that was a deal, then....

he also gave me....
Bag of Beeswax
Smaller Blower with foot killswitch
Two Hammers
Pair of Tongs
A Blacksmithing Primer, Second Edition.

Thank-You very much again Art. I really appreciate what you gave me.

Champion's airgate was really tight and not cooperating, so I greased it up, and now it slides like butter, but still stays in place. I am working on a vise stand right now. Everything is outside, lightly oiled to protect against rust until I get my forge and stand for my vise made, I can't use it, so like before it's lightly oiled and covered with a tarp. Will be putting up a lean-to soon. I don't know how I can ever make it up to him.

Pictures attached.






Edited by m_brothers
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Finnr, you, my friend, are an asset to the blacksmith community!
M_brothers, way I see it you go the leg vise for free also. Even at $2.00p/lb for the anvil==$248.00 that leaves only $68.00 for the blower! Both of which are CHEAP! Yea, ya done REAL good. Glad for you!
Don't cha just love this!??!

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Well , as I see it; if we don't get young folks started in the craft soon it will be a bunch of us "old coots" sitting around the stove and talking about the good old days! Nearly came to that before the revival of the craft. No point in taking chances!

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Finnr, it comes as no surprise me that you would provide an opportunity for an up and coming blacksmith.
I believe you charged him enough to make him appreciate what he has, but gave him such a good deal that as you can see that he is most appreciative of the opportunity you provided!
I say GOOD on You Both!
Finnr, you are a modern day blacksmith

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By the way, what is the threshold for "cootery?" I'm not sure how I would feel being included. Around here we joke the "coot-shooters-" taste fishy, the coots that is, so they end up being cleaned down to just "Beaks and feets" in the waterfowl stew. My favorite waterfowl hunting foolishness as a gangly youth was to clip off a foot high up and take it to school- a tug on the tendon and the webbed foot would open and shut- really grossed out the girls in school. Funny, my sense of humor hasn't matured much.mike

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Cootage is a state of mind, not an age specific condition.

Don't worry John, you'll pay Finn back and in spades. You'll be a good ambassador, you'll pass the craft on and be generous with beginners. Heck, I'll bet you're already a contagious carrier of the smithin bug.

Besides I'll bet money Finn loved the look on your face. Personally I'll go a long way to see THE look.


Edited by Frosty
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You are both so right. Being able to hand a fine tool or the like to a younger person and seeing that look in the eyes, the protestations, the brief explanation and insistence from the coot and then the smile and cradling in those young hands. Doesn't get any better.mike

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