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As long as there are people gulible enough to patronize these fly by night shysters they will continue to exist. We are known by the quality of the work we produce, however there are people who are impressed by letters that come after ones name. Therefore, I have bestowed a title upon myself and now have letters to follow my name.

Woody SSP/CGS that stands for Scum Sucking Pig/Common Garden Slug. I hope you all are suitably impressed. I am sure it will bring me a much higher price for my knives.

  • 2 weeks later...


OK ENOUGH IS ENOUGH with these folks...

I am constantly checking on these scammersd and well,..Dang it...look at what I just found on their site: (pretty much what was fore-told previously in this thread)

"I am a Master Bladesmith, have written several books, and my name is well known worldwide. I got my PSU degree for a different reason than many: both the certificate and the wallet card help me buy materials that are otherwise very tough to get since 9/11"

Now I want everyone here to know that I AM NOT part of this scam. The only other "well published" Master Smith that I know of is Wayne Goddard and I am very certain that he is NOT part of this either but I am checking with Mr. Goddard in any case.

OK I am going down to the office on West Sahara, probably tomorrow and give it a look over...I will report back my fingings...

Sorry for the rant but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH



Since the number of Master Bladesmiths that have published several books is a small field you should be able to nail them to the wall under false advertising statuates. Check with your state attorny general's office! Make them prove their claims!

Won't stop them for long but will warn them that we're keeping an eye on them.


I saw this mob a while ago myself and asked for info, not because I believe a ruddy word they say but to see how deep the rabbit hole was.
I mean there I was spending thousands (all six of them I could scrounge) sleeping in my car, in a tent, even a snowhole, navigating through foreign lands and foreign'er' languages for nearly two years to learn somthing I could have just sent off $200 for. BOY do I feel like a proper mug!
These people are a bunch of..... barstools, and I want them gone.


As I was cruising around their site I believe I found a way to shut them down without much of a fight on our part...

On one of their pages they list Microsoft as a member of a joint venture in their IT certification. I believe this is a trademark infringement plain and simple, so I contacted Microsoft corporate offices concerning this issue. In my experience Microsoft takes any infringement pretty seriously...



OK...I have been doinh more "digging" into this scam and now they refuse toi give any names of any of their "World Famous" graduates..In fact as they out it if it wasn;t for Become a Licensed Bladesmith! NONE of their graduates wold of "made it"....

I gotta get these shysters shut down....

I am ready to go to the matresses with these folks and whiloe they will refuse to "acknowledge" my "legitamacy" as far as my creds go...they are in foir a very rude wake up call. They refuse to name this Italian "MAster Smith" that has several books published and is "world famous"...they are a scam and hey need to be stopped...

Know this..I can be a great big PITA when I have to be and when i walk in to the NV AG's office I will be gunning for bear...



I Googled Phoenix State University...they have all kinds of "certifications" you can get.

Did you know you can be a certified "reloader"? I clicked the link, and it's set up the same as the "Become a Bladesmith" site. Matter of fact, the whole PSU site is set up like it. Frauds. Plain and Simple.

Dr. Jim, best of luck taking these guys down!!!!


What I think is so funny is if you go through and look at who they say gives them their accreditation the website you'll find when googled is as identical as can be even the font and pictures are the same!

I'm interested in seeing if Microsoft will take exception to the use of their name and training...

I personally would be very suprised if they are really in Nevada, Colorado (another place they claim as home) or Phoenix as their name represents... I wouldn't be surprised if they was actually from Elbonia or some other exotic cartoon infested land...



Yep, take them down BUT not before they can teach me how to stop burning myself with scale and black hot metal and how to make PERFECT products that others can't resist, all for $200.

Go for them..........................

  • 1 month later...

Hello All:

Well..I had a long and interesting discussion with an investigator from the NV Attourney General's Office and he said while it looks very "bad"..it just boarders on being legal.

Since they provide what they say, a "certificate" and the materials they say they provide, they are fulfilling a contract. As far as the legitimacy of the certificate, that is up to "the industry" to either accpet or reject.

The gist of the matter is unless a bunch of people start throwing a fit there's little that can be done as they ARE providing what they say.

From what I could garner from my talk is unless someone is wiling to get "taken" for a couple of hundred bucks and take them to civil court for fraud, there's not much that can be done and these folks know it...

So..I am sorry to be the bearer of unhappy tidings but I am open to suggestions....



ok it is likely that the only way to stop them is to pay up then get them for fraud but before someone bites the bullet we need to get a detailed description of the course from them so we know when they have failed to upohold their end of the contract

may i recomend that we not use bladesmithing as the bait course because they probly know that we are out to stop them with their bladesmithing gimmick

if i have this right the PSU is one groop so pick any other program have one person send an email asking for info with well defined questions and they are not sa likely to catch that we are trying the same thing again with a diffrent course

Posted (edited)

Been researching this for awhile since I saw it, and like everyone else here I am pretty angry about the whole thing and want to see this mess stopped.

In my research, I found out that apparently the weasel

Edited by TarAlderion

Darn! I wish I had access to a computer last week, I was in Prescott Valley, AZ and I could have checked out the place. My son lives there, I will mention this to him and have him take a look at the place.


Just as an update, I recieved an email back from the professor.

Unfortunately he says that things on his end have came to a stand still. I guess there were some counseling groups who were going to contact various state Attorney Generals but the proff. has not heard what came of it. He said to keep him posted on anything new from our end and he will let me know if he hears anything else.

Too bad there isnt any progress from the counseling groups, it sounded like they had some grounds against the guy due to issuing false licenses without proper accrediation, which I guess really upset the head of the American Counseling Association, and a request for an investigation for consumer fraud was put into the Ohio AG's office. I was hoping that they would have some progress made, and save us a bit of trouble ;) . Oh well, worth the try.

As far as the whole lets "get taken" and take them to civil court for fraud plan, better not rush into that too fast. We have to make sure that we can come up with all the proper evidence and know all the law facts first. I don't know enough about laws regarding consumer rights or what power civil courts have in the regulation of "businesses" such as this. I don't know if a civil court has the power or juristiction to shut down this kind of internet scam, or if they would just give you cost of damages. Plus, a law suit in civil court sounds like lawyers are needed and that immediately sounds like a whole lot of money and a big mess. We have to make sure that this plan can work, and that we arent getting ourselves or which ever one voluenteers into a bigger mess than we bargained for. We definatley need to figure out if this kind of thing would give us the grounds to shut them down, if a civil court is the place to get it done, what kind of representation we would need and if we can get someone to represent us without incurring massive financial loss. Like I said, I don't know much about the laws regarding this matter, maybe someone else here does, but before anybody commits, we better make sure we know what we are doing.

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