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I Forge Iron

Oh the Humanity!!!!!!!

Donal Harris

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99 degrees F.  Lit the forge looked around for the piece I was working on three weeks ago when last I tried to forge. Found it and turned toward the coals to place it in.

Watched the flames for a second and wiped the sweat dripping of my nose and said “not happening today.”  I shut down my forge and went inside to plop on the couch and find something on Netflix to binge.

Man!!!!! I wish Winter would hurry back. 

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We've actually had a mild summer compared to what it's usually like. We've had a lot of rain over the last year. It was the wettest winter I think I can ever remember. We haven't broken 100° yet and are expecting another cold front in a few days. We had northwest winds for three days last week. Very unusual. Hopefully, I can get my new anvil setup and get to the shop while it's fairly nice weather for Texas. 

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13 hours ago, Laynne said:

Well I have fused vertebrae

If your vertebrae are fusing it's WAY too hot!

I have a bunch of Ti and SS in my left arm but don't feel effects of weather or temperature, it's hard for me to believe I don't. My elbow was shattered but good and took 5 surgeries to rebuild. The only remaining effects are my left arm doesn't quite straighten and if I touch anything hard with the screw head that's just below the skin it smarts. It looks pretty funky but works smooth as gravy.

I love how completely hounds can relax. 

Temps here have been positively SEARING with a brief break over the past week, even got some much needed rain which helped knock some of the fires down and clear the smoke haze. Unfortunately the temps are skyrocketing again, it's supposed to reach the high 70s, maybe even low 80s!!! :o

Deb and I are thinking of finding somewhere cool to take the RV till weather approaches human habitable temps again. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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Alaska SHOULD be cold most of the time but we have generally nice if brief summers, we've just had about 4 warm years in a row.

Goodness Darlin, you're living proof everybody in Texas doesn't own cattle, what goat person would want those big dumb smelly cows around? Ever put a bell on a goat? Like belling a cat it doesn't take long for a goat to learn to walk and move without ringing the bell. Can't butt or spronk without ringing it of course but just walking, browsing, etc. not a jingle. (I almost said tinkle. :rolleyes: Nothing stops a goat's tinkle.)

Frosty The Lucky.

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Driving south today I passed a billboard advertising "20 acre Ranches"  now around my part of NM it takes about 1000 acres per cow so you might be able to get a pygmy goat on one of those...We're celebrating---temps below 100 for a couple of days, only 98/99 degF

I'm loading more shop stuff and working out what morning to leave at 6 for another northward trip; perhaps 5am if I'm willing to buy gas at a 24 hour place. After sunset yesterday I was able to unpack 6 kitty litter buckets of tools before it got too dark to put them in their correct places. I'm really looking forward to working in my smithy as the year cools off.

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3 hours ago, Frosty said:

If your vertebrae are fusing it's WAY too hot!

:lol::lol::lol: That would be hot. I'm afraid the fusion speeds up the arthritis, as I'm sure you know. I don't think the plate has much to do with it. Most people think I'm crazy wearing long sleeve shirts year round. The shirts have nothing to do with it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have taken a couple of days away from the forge. Not so much the temps, but the humidity and lack of wind. It has been more like it was growing up in the Ozarks, I didn't know any better then. Today is supposed to be better so I'm planning on being out there after work. Stay cool and hydrated.

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I still haven’t hit a lick since my OP. It has just been too hot. Even the mornings are hot. One morning a couple of weeks ago it was pretty nice out, so I went out and sorted my scrap pile. That is the closest I have come to forging since the beginning of July. 


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I hear you DH. I haven't done much of anything in over a week. I put some things in a vinegar bath and finished a few pieces. Although that's good. I'm kind of bad about not finishing some things very quickly after they are forged sometimes. Looks like it might be a cloudy day today, so maybe I'll get out there this evening. 

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The wind went to the north today. It's still hot, but it's supposed to bring some rain and temperatures back down to the lower 90s. Which will feel like a cold snap after the last few days. I like forging in the rain. Well, not literally in the rain. But Thomas' idea of drain holes is a good tip to remember. I don't run a coal forge, but I will store it in the helpful tip file

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34 minutes ago, George N. M. said:

.  That's summer at 7500 feet elevation.  Can still see snow fields in the Medicine Bow mountains from the shop.

"Oh, the huge manatee!""

Counselor George N. M.

You saw the "huge manatee"  at 7,500 feet?  

Surely you gest. 



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