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The "Association of Alaskan Blacksmiths" typically communicates via it's Facebook page. Use the club name to search FB. One of us will approve you. 

Next time you get up Wasilla way give me a shout in advance, you're welcome in my shop. The next club meeting is, Sat, May 11th. at Arctic Fires Bronze in Palmer. The're'll be demos, open forges and plenty of guys telling lies. Normal blacksmith club meeting. ;)

There's also going to be a camp out "hammer in,"  Sept 7th and 8th. at the Matanuska River camp ground in Palmer. More blacksmiths playing with fire, hitting things, cooking stuff and a little beer is usually involved. We strictly enforce no drinking and driving and will NOT let anybody do dangerous stuff if too much beer was involved. Our #1 club rue is SAFETY 1st. The usual organizer of forging on the river is an Alaskan State Trooper but he's working night shift this Sept. he may only be able to drop by, he's patrolling in or around Palmer.

I'll PM you with my email.

Frosty The Lucky.

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