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I Forge Iron

130# PW

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For about 25 years I have been begging my In-Laws neighbor to sell l me his yard ornament. Its been neglected and lonely for a lot longer.  It seems it was his anvil in the shop before he bought the company long ago. He has refused to sell it, said it had sentimental value to him.

He has been in a nursing home for a few months now, with no living relatives, and he relayed a message to me last Friday, said to come get my anvil out of his yard, his house is being sold.  I guessed it was about 150# but the bathroom scales says 129.4# it was painted but that seems to have protected it from rusting,  its face is like new still. 

Now my 100# Kholswa has company on the other side of the forge.   He said he wanted it to go to a good home where it will be appreciated and not just resold.  I wIll get a photo after my new battery for the camera gets in. All the years of begging paid off. in the end he didnt sell it, and I do get to have it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here she is with her new chain to deaden the noise, its the loudest anvil I have ever been around.  Odd that one this size has 2 pritchel holes.  Just off center is the only blemish it has a small piece  chipped off on the corner of the face879a.JPG

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Have you stopped GRINNING yet Steve? 

You might consider a fabricated steel stand to mute the ring. A little paint and pin striping and a steel tripod is as pretty as a nice wood block. ;) Seriously the steel stand mutes both my Soderfors and Trenton to the point you don't have to wear ear protection if you're not working the ends of the horn or heal.

Frosty The Lucky.

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