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I Forge Iron

Tell me about my anvil.

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I"d say this is an old English anvil.  There are several makers from England during that time period but it is similar to the Mouse Hole anvils which can range from 1600's to the something like 1911 I think.  Take a better picture of the sides so we can see any marks or letterings.

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Most likely English (London Pattern); pre1830. (small base, no pritchel hole). It was made by forge welding up blocks of real wrought iron and then forge welding plates of tool steel over the face of it.

The second picture seems to show one of those welds failing on the heel due to bad welding or abuse. (If you can say something that has lasted around 200 years was made poorly!)

The third picture show were some of the face has delaminated and been broken off. (I believe you may be able to see the ghost of where the face plates were welded together too---that point often wears just a bit more than in the body of the plate.)

It is in fair using shape; but care should be taken with the frail heel! The sway is common to old wrought iron anvils and not very important. DO NOT WELD, GRIND OR MILL ON THAT ANVIL'S FACE!

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26 minutes ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

Welcome to IFI. Where in the world is it located? I always recommend reading this to get the best out of the forum.



Done.  Updated my location. I'm in Missouri. 

My pictures do know show them but it does have handling holes in the front and rear.  

This anvil will probably go on a stump in my shop and will be a treasured family heirloom. Only occasionally being lightly used. 

Here are some pics of the sides. My untrained eye sees no identification,but you guys are the experts. I appreciate all the helpful info so far. 



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