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Anvil Army Patch

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You're dedicated whether or not to pay for that here? I vote for yes, you buy! I'd like one please.:) Your Organization will be falling under one?:o Your CEO (Coyote Executive Officer) wouldn't be named Wile E would he? :huh:

Those are just a delicious batch of straight lines, bless your heart. Thank you!

Frosty The Lucky.

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I was thinking of framing and hanging it not wearing it. The last military stuff I wore was a Marine corp marksmans pin, the black Maltese cross with a single silver bar across the top. I was in Jr. high school and wore it on one of my hats. A friend of mine's father insisted I was very disrespectful wearing a swastika. I had to bring a book to prove to him it was an American service pin and bore no resemblance to a swastika.  We often had to wonder where Ralph's Father was coming from.

I did have Dad's cavalry crossed saber pin on my black cowboy hat till someone disappeared it. Dad was NOT pleased. 

Kids wearing pins and badges wasn't uncommon when I was a kid but we didn't wear insignia. Rank yes but not insignia.

I'd still like one of those patches but only if it's legit for me. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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I think there's certain things that should never be worn like the SEAL insignia and Ranger Tab and others like it.  Those folks had to pass a rigorous selection process to earn it.  Unit patches, same thing as many of them are personal to the guys in that particular unit.  Wearing a patch because it has an anvil on it say on a hat or something honors those folks so long as you are not trying to steal valor and claim you are part of that command or organization.  

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The only insignia I've ever worn that I hadn't personally earned is from the Polish military chaplaincy, but that was given to me personally by the then-head of the corps. Interesting fellow: I've never met anyone else who was both a brigadier general and an Eastern Orthodox Christian bishop. He was later killed in a plane crash along with the President of Poland and a number of other dignitaries; when I do wear it, it is at least partly in his memory.


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The Color Guard of the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian community used black berets with the SF crossed arrow insignia as their badge; all were former military, some of them were SF and arrows are definitely associated with American Indians. I was an honorary member as a retired officer and from an associated community. My take on the stolen valor issue is that as long as someone is not falsely posing as something they are not, the wearing of non specialized insignia is not really an issue. Special qualification badges not earned are another issue, one that is frowned upon. Some presumably well intentioned persons have berated people innocently wearing a shirt or hat with a service insignia as stolen valor, going way overboard. I like the anvil unit patch; a t shirt with that will be cool.It won't be long before it will be available through civilian sources that sell militaria.

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It's one thing to berate someone else about wearing a unit patch or the like, and I agree that that can definitely be going overboard. What I'm talking about, though, is making the choice whether or not to wear such insignia, and that's not something that I personally am willing to do, for the reasons stated above.

Now, a T-shirt with the anvil design on it is another matter, because that's not uniform.

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