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I Forge Iron

New International Young Smiths Group!

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Hello everybody, so, Brian and Ed Brazeal have put together a new international young smith group, they are currently in Brazil at the moment. This is not the first group that has been put together, in the past a few of the people who it has consisted of is Alec Steele, Daniel Lea, Dave Custer, and Daniel Riffe. The purpose of this group is for Brian to teach the young smiths so that they can then go back home and teach it to others. This group consists of myself (Texas USA), Jonathan Pinkston (Kentucky USA), Jeroen Smit (Gronsveld Netherlands),  Andrew Larson (Kentucky USA), Ferraria Tavora ( Ceara Brazil), Hudson Lobo (Brazila Brazil), and Jason Ellard ( Australia). I feel like I may be forgetting someone, apologies if I am.

The plan is for about 6 of us to head to Brazil next summer around July or so and spend some time there learning from Brian and then also teaching others who are there once we have been put through the tools to make tools curriculum. I know almost for sure I am going next July for about 2 weeks or so. 

I'm pretty excited about it let me know what y'all think about it!

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Well DARN Mark, I thought you just wanted to take a break from Iforge, didn't know you had such a great opportunity! I wonder how hard I'd have to lie to get Brian to believe I'm young enough to attend? 

You're a deserving young man Mark, good for you!

Frosty The Lucky.

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