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I Forge Iron

got some garage springs today


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Should be. Lots of material in each of those springs. Test a piece of each with spark test and hardning test and mark each with your findings since they Could each be a little different. Marking each spring because you'll have years worth of material there and you might forget in time. :) nice score. 

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I have used garage door springs as raw material for fire steels with good success.  However, I once had some that would not harden in a water quench.  Also, usually good for punches and other small tools.  If you make any chisels carry the flattening up into the body of the tool so that it is easier to index in use.



"By hammer and hand, all arts do stand."

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Dear Chuckbuckeye,

I have found a good way to disassemble garage door springs is to cut the coil into about 12-18 inch pieces, then heat the whole short coil up, place it on a horizontal piece of pipe held in a vice, and then pull the end of the hot coil out horizontally to get a long, sort of straight piece of spring steel which will go in a rack or lean up in a corner until you need it.  You could do some calculations to see how long a coil you would need to generate, say, a 6 or 8 foot straightish piece after unwinding.

Have fun.  I've had good luck with garage door springs as raw material but check how it works and hardens before you put much effort into it all.


"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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