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I Forge Iron

New to forum and forging

J Morgan

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Hello all, My name is John Morgan. I’m new to forging/black smithing . I’m a retired Policeman and was a welder fabricator before that for 10 years. I’ve been welding and fabricating for 20+ total and played  around with forging blacksmithing but did not become serious until I retired and started my own welding/fabrication and hobby knife making business. I’d like to have some professionals critic some of my work.  Some of these are stock removal, some forged. I’m new so be as nice as you can but I can also take it. Thanks everyone. J.M






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Note: my opinions only!

Top Knife: design looks like it's intended for rough use; but there is a stress concentrator at the blade/ricasso transition; suggest using a chainsaw file and rounding that transition a bit more. I like the grip on that one! Best looking blade of the set.

Second knife down: grip looks too slabby; could use some more rounding.

Third knife down: not to my taste, no comments.

Fourth knife down: bevel is too short unless you only plan to split kindling with it.  Regrind with longer bevel.

Fifth knife down: handle-guard-blade alignment looks odd to me. Do not like the spacer as it will age poorly and then replacement is an issue. Clip looks odd.

Sixth: KLO/shiv hollow grind practice?  No comment.


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Welcome to IFI! If you haven't yet, please READ THIS FIRST!!!

I'm no knifemaker, so my critique will be purely aesthetic: all your knives would benefit from a lot more attention to fit and finish. Clean plunge lines, crisp bevels, well-finished handles; all these things (which can be time-consuming and annoying!) really pay off in making for some great-looking blades.

One other thing is your photography. Knives tend to look better against very simple backgrounds, so a tablecloth or a plain wooden board (I use one of my cutting boards from the kitchen) would help them stand out well.

Keep it up, and let us see your progress!

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Thanks Thomas and JHCC, I appreciate the feedback. It only helps me, no matter how harsh. I will definitely post more pics once I get some more stuff made.


PS: I’m look to build or purchase a forging  press. I’ve looked into some plans but a bit pricy to make or buy at this point, any suggestions would be a big help.

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Welcome to IFI from one retired cop to another. Where in the world are you located?

If you edit your profile to show location it will show up with every post. You don't have to put in name, rank & horsepower just a general location will do. The thread JHCC linked will help you get the best out of the forum. The next to the last knife would benifit greatly by making it a clip point.

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Hey J Morgan. I love your knives. And here's why. I made  a letter opener from a rail spike with a pinapple twist. It was the first time doing a blade type of project. I did not like it.  But I had it displayed with my other stuff at a demo. I sold it to a couple that had 300 knives and saw my opener as something they dont have.  I actually tried to convince them to not buy it .Thats why I like your stile of your blades

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Thanks Kevin Olson, I admire folks that give it a try and stick with it no matter how bad they might think the blade is. Trust me I’m very critical of my own stuff but I do like and crave constructive criticism, plus the knife is your own. My buddies I made knives for have told me they really don’t care how great it looks, even though that’s part of it, rather it was made by me (their friend) and by hand, no other like it. Thanks

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