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I Forge Iron

Anvil Buying Advice?

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Hello, all, this is my first post.

I'm a woodworker and I've been getting into more and more of the "Neanderthal-type" woodworking (i.e., with very sharp hand tools), and the more I learn about it, the more it looks like I'm going to need/want to get into metalworking.

So, I'm looking at anvils on ebay and elsewhere.

Can any of you folks who know what you're talking about advise me on what to look for, what to look OUT for, etc., on buying an anvil?

Does the anvil below look OK?

Blacksmith Forge Anvil 150 lbs "PETER WRIGHT" - eBay (item 200227428781 end time Jun-08-08 18:30:00 PDT)

Thank you in advance for any insights.


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Ysing the "ask everyone I meet" technique I averaged a name brand anvil in great shape for under US$1 a pound for years (and no shipping fees!). I'm anviled up and so have not put this into use out here in NM except for when the local Fine Arts Metals teacher had he low grade anvil broken. Even here in anvil poor NM I was able to find 2 in about a month and they were *free*. The small ones was a sweedish cast steel anvil in just about mint condition. The larger was an old bridge anvil in usual beat up bridge anvil condition.

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is that anvil close to where you live ? so you dont have to pay shipping? if so then its not to bad... its not pristine but ive used worse ..if you have to pay shipping on top of the price for it then ide pass... find sumthing local .Good luck!

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If you go to the top of the pate and click "User CP" and edit your membership to show where you live someone close may be able to help you out.

A LOT of guys smithing today started out as wood workers who just wanted that SPECIAL tool and are now hopelessly addicted.

Welcome to the smoky side.


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I got "fired up" out of woodworking as well. I want to be able to make forge weld plane irons(blades) and forged socket chisels. And to that end, just got three hardy cones(one huge-nearly a foot tall and with a 3" max diameter). And a well made swage block for "V's" and cones in perfect sizes. My early efforts are just trying to forge to reasonably even thickness.jet

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Ebay- "Matchlessantiques" is a reliable seller. He will answer any question you have. He must have had a huge rare earth magnet implanted in his body. He always has truly good quality anvils- often listed 5 at a time. I did not buy an anvil from him but he gave me good information about an anvil I was considering. I messaged him, taking the chance that he might be a friendly fellow. He is. Unfortunately no one can do anything about shipping by common carrier and it will do nothing but get worse.jet

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