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Welcome to IFI, I always suggest reading this thread to get the best out of the forum.


Do you have pictures of the other side? Many times there will be markings there that will lead to the maker. Without that the only thing I can say is it's a London pattern anvil, possibly cast iron. How much does it weigh? Where in the world is it located?

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That's what I was thinking too. The only way to tell would be to see it in person and do some test's.


Kerby you are in the NW chapter of The Blacksmith Organization of Arkansas, It wouldn't hurt for you & your nephew to attend some meetings. Visitors are always welcome.



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Mr. Kirby,

I suggest that you check out the Blacksmith Association of Missouri,  (a.k.a.  BAM).  You can check out where they are meeting in Missouri. and advise your nephew.

They hold most of their meetings in western  and central Missouri.  (and rarely in the Saint Louis area).

Their website is a good resource for articles on the craft.


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