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I Forge Iron

June Meeting

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~Next Meeting~


Where: Yesteryear Forge 15421 Five Forks Rd. Amelia VA 23002

Time: 10am-3pm

Lunch: provided (suggested $5 donation)

Demonstrator: DAN EASLEY New River Forge

Reminders: IRON IN THE HAT! and bring a chair!

Directions: From 360 EAST or WEST Turn across from GOODMAN TRUCK AND TRACTOR onto business 360. Go to your first road on your right and TURN RIGHT. Continue on to the stop sign. Go through that intersection and proceed approx. 2 miles. The forge is on the right. There is a "Yesteryear Forge" sign in the front yard. Parking is behind the forge. The forge is behind the house...

*MAPQUEST WILL GET YOU EXTREMELY LOST* use them at your own risk!

RSVP to Peyton Anderson: [email protected] or call 434.390.6203

NEW HOTEL IN AMELIA FOR THOSE "ROAD TRIP BLACKSMITHS"! Here is the number: 804-561-4220 This is where we put up the demonstrators for the events. It is only about 5 miles from Yesteryear Forge on 360.

I hope to see you there!

Edited by primtechsmith
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