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I Forge Iron

How strong can a rivet be?

fat pete

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well, I am trying to design a bird feeder holder to hang over a deck. the contraption would hang out over the rail of the deck and be able to swivel so you could retrieve the feeder to fill it and swing it back out. I was wondering if a rivet would hold at the pivot point. The hanger would be balanced in such away that it would be fine to use a rivet made out of good steel and large enuff to take the leverage. I had two suggestions one was to punch the hole and maintain a good bit of metal around the rivet and also a small lip to support the over hangingin metal for the lack of balance. Today i am drawing up the idea and in between today and tomorrow I will build the thing. It will kinda follow the lines of a goose neck sorta......I will post a pic when I am done... thx for the help!

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