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I Forge Iron

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My father passed away in November and we are trying to value and identify items.  I have been told this is a pan forge, but not sure if that’s accurate. The pictures are all I find of this, meaning I think there are pieces missing?? It stands 2 ft 9 inches in height and the width across top is 1 ft 9 inches.

Also pictured we found a blower in pretty good condition we think. I have seen pics on eBay of the switch being on top which tells me wires were altered as pics might suggest.

Thanks in advance for information.

Dionne Use’ Blanchard 









Yes that rivet forge is missing a lot of the original blower mechanism. Personally that blower would be worth several times the forge to me!

I have copies of the 1897, 1905 and 1908 Sears Roebuck catalogs that might help you identify stuff and describe it.  I know some of them can be found on-line as well.


Thanks Irondragon..... very interesting catalog... Need to check for more numbers because pictures don't tell me enough


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