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I Forge Iron

Fledgling toolmaker from british columbia

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Hey yall. This website has been a resource for my jouney into smithing for a while now. Thought it appropriate to finally make an account. Heres a little bit about myself.

I have been into metal work most of my working life . Started after high school as a pipefitters apprentice/welders helper. I dicovered blacksmithing about 4 years ago and have done it on and off but in the last year have been taking it more seriously. I started with a stainless steel sink forge and a shop vac as a blower. I have aquired now a good little riveters forge and use a hand crank blower. I have also upgraded from a railroad track anvil to a proper 165lb anvil.I am very fammiliar with the use of coal fuel and love the control it offers. My passion within the craft is making hand tools. 

Currently i am in switzerland . My good friend has given me access to a very nice shop where i have been honing my skills. This opportunity has been a god send. But i seek more instruction. I am open to all forms of advice and critisism. I will post more on this site as i go. Thanks. Get at me.


If your interested to see a few lil things iv made check out my instagram

Yellowbellforge @ instagram

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Good Morning,

When you are back home, to BC, get in touch with me in Victoria.

One of our members (Vancouver Island Blacksmiths Association, VIBA) is from Switzerland. He has a daughter and her family still in Zurich.

Welcome to our world. Enjoy the Journey. Age is not rated.


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