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Attached is an image of an anvil for sale just above san diego county in my area. Its 117# and the seller is asking 350 for it. Seems like a good deal, but he gives no other information on the anvil.


Is anyone familiar with this anvil or knows the maker/quality? 


Thank you in advance for your help!



Odd looking anvil. Can't tell if it's cast or welded up from solid stock. Price isn't bad, but unless it checks out perfect (good rebound, etc), I would steer clear. Never overinvest in an anvil you're going to regret.


Looks to me like a cast base with a face and nose job added to it.  TEST IT!  If it tests good then it's a good anvil no matter what anyone says.  If it tests bad it's a bad anvil no matter what anyone says.  The ball bearing test is the most important one and if it was constructed: how was the top fastened to the body?---the ring test should indicate if it was a fully connected join.


Awesome information guys, yeah a friend is looking to buy and sent me this posting and it looked odd to be as well. Can't tell If its cast with a welded face or what haha. 


If interested I will.be going with him to check it for rebound, ring, and delamination. All the usuals.


Thanks for the reply!

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