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I Forge Iron

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My brother recently opened a new restaurant, a BBQ place called "Iron Oak", and I was wondering if anybody had some ideas for what I can make for him as a gift to celebrate the grand opening.  Maybe a few Oak leaves or something?


Why not an Oak tree; with leaves and acorns?   Bottle openers terminating in an acorn, or oak leaves that are bottle openers, oak leaf business car holder, presentation BBQ set with acorns, a hand forged "sad iron" with oak themed handle.  Oak leaf hinges for the doors...


Welcome aboard Jason, glad to have you. There a LOT of possibilities for an iron oak themed piece. Without repeating suggestions there are wall sconces table lamps cloak racks and I'm sure a person could think of a place to mount a hat rack. EVEN in Texas. :rolleyes: 

I kind of like an oak tree representation that mounts flat on the front desk or on a wall. Is there a tree  in the area the restaurant was named for? If there's a historic "Iron Oak." where maybe famous banditos were hanged or maybe a famous speech made. Then a representation of the "famous" view of the tree could be the restaurant's "Brand."

Frosty The Lucky.



Make him a set of brands (one large one small) with his restaurant name or logo.  I think custom branded meat would be cool.

20 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

Why not an Oak tree; with leaves and acorns?   Bottle openers terminating in an acorn, or oak leaves that are bottle openers, oak leaf business car holder, presentation BBQ set with acorns, a hand forged "sad iron" with oak themed handle.  Oak leaf hinges for the doors...

Definitely this. There are a couple of good videos on YouTube of making a swage to forge acorns; that would be a good way to make oak-themed novelties for him to sell or give away to valued customers.


19 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

Jason is in Texas; his brother could be anywhere; he didn't say.

Correct, my brother is in Florida actually... 


Thanks for all the awesome suggestions everyone! I'm really quite new to blacksmithing, so I think I might start with something simple like the oak leaf business/gift-card holder you suggested. Maybe for the 1st anniversary I will be skilled enough to try something more ambitious :)


A forged meat cleaver with oak scales and a thick,  matching & branded cutting board would be cool. (When you are ready for that level).

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