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Dang is this one frustrating.  I have a pretty strong memory of seeing similar but can't pin it down.  As best I can remember, they are Chinese surgical tools...but don't quote me on that.

IIRC They were a common thing to fake and be sold by street vendors as authentic old junk--Chinese are masters at faking the old stuff for their "antique" stalls.  I haven't been over there for 20 years and that might be why I have some crumbs of memory but it's beyond fuzzy.

Cant  find a google image that matches so I might be way off base.


The figure on the right one looks very much like some of those in Indonesian shadow plays.  If I get a chance tonight I'll see if Stone's Glossary has anything in it. (Good for a lot of oddball stuff). Definitely has a East Asian look to them in my opinion


I agree with T. P., the left hand one is probably a Balinese Wayang Kulit plays that are concerned with the tales of the Hindu Mahabharat or Ramayana. They are evening puppet shows (but they are really a lot more than that).

In Muslim Lombok and Java they are called Ringit & also deal with tales of the Ramayana.

Performances can be experienced in most towns in Bali. They are often accompanied by a full Gamelan orchestra. (& often priests).

I'll expand, on it, a little later. After I've finished cooking & eating dinner.



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