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Just got this anvil from my uncle but the markings are hard to make out. Attached are some photos that I was hoping someone could help me identify the anvil and any other manufacturing details.



Anvil 2.jpg

Anvil 3.jpg

Anvil 4.jpg


Hay Budden.  108lbs. Made in Brooklyn NY.  Operated from about 1890-1920 ish.  Should be a serial number on the front foot that would give a better date of birth.



      Nice find. The numbers on the tail, were stamped on the tool steel tops versions. You can see it was welded at the waist. Other Hay Buddens had a tool steel face, with a wrought body....disclaimer....Have heard of solid tool steel H-B’s, stamped with SS in the serial number.

       N.N.F.             Beautiful, Manchester, Michigan.USA


Tip it up and look at the base and you should see the famed HB "Hourglass"; though on older ones this could be pretty thin and worn down till you can barely see it.


Hey, thanks for all the reply's. I was not expecting so many so quickly. You guys are awesome. I found the serial number (A32941) and took a picture. You will have to excuse my ignorance as this is my first anvil, but how do you tell what it is made of and when it was made?



Anvil 5.jpg

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