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I am looking for a Member that doesn't appear to be around !

I liked his new shop he was putting together, slowly !

Anyone know what happened to him ?

p.s.  I've been lurking in the background, reading posts and trying to get things together.

Also, enjoy reading all of the posts !


I found him on another site and he said he was getting his shop together slowly, I used his words.

Looks like he is putting up a mezzanine in hiss Barn to get things out of the way to allow for his shop.

Funny I can't see any posts on this site except if his comments were within a quoted text.

ThomasPowers, I just wanted to see his pictures he said were here, and take a look at his build of his Anvil Stand.

Hope I didn't raise any up from the dead ! 


Still haven't provided a name or even a country...Let us know when you actually want to see his stuff; I've got too much to do to play 220 questions...


Welcome Qwerty (I use Qwerty as well in Holland and Germany but after 11 years in Belgium I still don’t like my Azerty keyboard)  Agree with Thomas, please be more specific. And after all we are also curious to know more about you (profile picture, place where you live end interests). We really like to help your further in your search/quest after the ‘slow shop arising owner’ . Cheers, Hans


Sorry about that I  didn't even notice I didn't post the Name.

The Members name is "Scrambler82" !

I searched his name and only found Quoted Text !

I was looking for his Anvil Stand Posting and wanted to see any pictures of his Shop from scratch.

I found him on another site just a few minutes ago, but he directed me to this site for the pictures and Write-up on his Stand Build !

p.s. Just added info to my Profile !

No pictures of myself, don't do them !


Welcome QwertyAfterDark, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header and maybe an easier to type webhandle to use you might be surprised how many of the gang are within visiting distance. 

I don't recall seeing Scramber82 for a while, maybe the shout  out will work or maybe he got 86ed, We'll see in a bit I'm sure.

What do you want or need to know about shop layout equipment stands, etc.?

Of course now I'll be to preoccupied looking into keyboard alternatives to do any IFI searching.

Frosty The Lucky.


Frosty, I wanted to build a stand.

From another site I saw Scrambler82's stand and liked the design... I was directed to this site for pictures.

I thought it might be easier to build one out of scrape lumber, since I have a lot of it !


If you link us to the stand you like I'm sure lots of the gang will chime in with suggestions, some even helpful.  

In general, lumber stood on end, screwed and glued makes a very efficient anvil stand that's minimal tool  and resources. Stacked flat lumber stands are falling out of the common, they're easy but much less efficient with all the joints but they are even less tool intense. Of course you can use heavy timbers, glue lams, etc. for either configuration, on end being more efficient, energy wise regardless. A round of hardwood log is old time goodness if you have one available. 

In any case making the bottom slightly hollowed so it rests on the outside edges makes them more stable especially on uneven surfaces.

However if you want my advice, I prefer a steel tripod stand. More solid, very stable, noise damping and easy to get close to the anvil if needed. Of course I have structural steel rems a welder and years of experience making stuff from it. B)

Frosty The Lucky.

5 minutes ago, Frosty said:

If you link us to the stand you like I'm sure lots of the gang will chime in with suggestions, some even helpful.  

Frosty The Lucky.

I was trying to find the Stand on this site that "Scrambler82" built, as you stated, wood on ends.

From another site "Scrambler82" sent me to this site for a writeup he did on the stand.

I have attempted to attach a picture I found on the Web of Scrambler82's Stand, hope it works !



I remember that stand. Nice but I think there are better. I like the ones where the stand is wider than the anvil and extends an inch or so above the foot. This holds the anvil nicely and provides a place to put tools where they can't vibrate or roll off.

I'd certainly not put a steel plate on a stand like that. I have yet to hear a good reason for one, the only significant thing I think it does is make it harder to secure the anvil properly. Asmost no matter how tight you cinch it down it can slide.

Frosty The Lucky.


You can go to the Member's profile page and look at their content.

I have a number of vertical assembled "stumps"  mine were made from a scrapped horse trailer; the scrapyard said I could have the oak boards that formed the floor of the trailer for free.  The nice ones ended up as shelves in my smithy, the not so nice as anvil stands.  Now I didn't clean them up and I didn't glue them up. They were wide enough that I cut to length, (the end ones were 1-2" taller than the rest to trap the anvil).

I lined them up vertically on a short piece of I-beam on edge to get the bottoms even and used pipe clamps to hold them together while I used an electricians bit to drill the entire stack through in several places. I bolted them together with Electrical pole hardware and guard rail hardware bolts also found at the scrapyard.  


Quick and dirty, the old oak would probably make a lovely stand if cleaned and stained and glued. On the other hand I made a bunch of stands all in one Saturday and ready to be used on Sunday after church! I realized that I finally had a stand for every anvil save one towards the end and so took the board that was in such poor shape I was planning to burn it in the woodstove and made a stand for the last anvil

The one in the front left corner is one of the nicer ones---I left the bolts protruding so there was a handle to lift them for loading on the truck. The one in the back was the last one I made and it got all the less nice stuff---the other side of it shows cribbing and damaged edges... My solid 1 piece stands have flea market finds for the handles as shown on the anvil to the right.

Many blacksmithing project designs are based on found/scrounged materials.  See what you can find free or cheap and design a stand using those items! (water bed frames used to be thrown out near the university late in the spring each year---2'x12" lumber!

I should point out that all my stands are at different heights so when I teach I can match students to the anvil face heights.


i don't think Admin would/should keep bad(read poor/vulgar/rude etc.) content in place? and why should they?  Glenn's site his rules EOS(end of story)


If public behavior is bad enough to get you banned it's bad enough to take it off soonest. 

Frosty The Lucky.

4 hours ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

He was Ban from the site... uh... two things if I may.

1) I looked at the link but there was no mention of an Anvil Build; any ideas on where I could look ?

2) Does anyone know why Scrambler82 was Ban from the site ?

Thanks to all for your input on the Anvil Stand !

Just looking at the picture and reading what has been said, gives me ideas of where to start.


1 hour ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

If you read some of his posts on another forum, it's understandable why he was banned and posts deleted here.

Funny, when I read his posts on another Blacksmith Site, the only post that really was a problem and did help was his post of this Site.

He did praise all of the members for the help and information put out, when needed; he was disappointed in the Admin.

May I ask what posts in particular !

One of those things I guess.

3 hours ago, ianinsa said:

i don't think Admin would/should keep bad(read poor/vulgar/rude etc.) content in place? and why should they?  Glenn's site his rules EOS(end of story)

Im new but I do not know what this means ?

3 hours ago, Frosty said:

If public behavior is bad enough to get you banned it's bad enough to take it off soonest. 

Frosty The Lucky.

The question is, "What did he do bad enough to be Ban" ?

On the other Site, he has been very helpful in posts.


When a member is banned from the site, it is not open for discussion as they are not able to be part of the conversation. 


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