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Well hello all, I am new to the blacksmithing world but definitely not new to beating on metal, I've been a auto body tech for about 14 years now and definitely had my fair share of panels to beat. I've always had a big interest in blacksmithing but up until a few days ago I hadn't came across the right anvil, so that brings me here.

The request for anvil identification has been split off into its own thread: https://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/54825-anvil-id-in-ohio/


Welcome aboard 455guy. I'm in auto body as well. While there can be a little crossover with say, planishing they are mostly different types of beating metal. But really fun and rewarding. 


I also worked for a short while in an auto bodyshop. Back in the late '50s when vehicles were made from real metal. We had an old bodyman named Pappy who was an expert with leading seams & panels before the introduction of Bondo. It was amazing to watch him work and he could freehand pin stripes like no one else. Kinda miss those days.B)

Could you go to the thread that was split off and re-add the pictures? You may have guessed we love pictures, as long as we don't have to explain them to the grandkids.:)


If you are anywhere close go to the SOFA meetings!!!!!!!! (sofablacksmiths.org) When I lived in Columbus we used to carpool to SOFA a 2 hour drive---well worth it.

Also generally the last full weekend in September is SOFA's Quad-State Blacksmiths Round-Up; probably the largest blacksmithing conference held every year with tons, yes literally tons, of blacksmithing stuff for sale at it.  Very reasonably priced, especially if you camp at the fairgrounds. 

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