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A variation on the usual bird sculpture. The neck/head is half a pair of multigrips. Tail is a garden fork. The stone adds a bit of 'body'.

We have night birds here called bush stone-curlews. They have the eeriest (is that a word?) of calls that really spook some people. This one looks more like a road-runner but I'll make another like a curlew.

stone bird 2.JPG

stone bird1.JPG


Cool bird Aus. Looks like it ate a potato. :) just kidding. The rock is a real neat touch.  The plier half worked great for the head and neck. 

I had to look up the bush-stone curlew to hear it. I could see how that would freak some people out. About as bad as when we first get some peacocks when I was younger. You'd swear you were going to get the police called on you for torturing an old lady from their calls. 

Some long legs on the curlews. 


Kind of like the Common Loon call here that freaks people out. I have some peacock near me that I hear from time to time.

Aus, down my way I see stones used on bodies for ants and scorpions. image.png.0224017e4f3907369fa2bf968d41d4bf.pngimage.png.93ecb3eaf325f3211a08af2992ee9bd7.png


Nice work, Aus. Took me a moment to realize that this was scrap art, which is a testament to how well you've captured the essence of the curlew.

My neighbors across the road in Vermont had peacocks. I would be happy to never have to hear that shrieking again!

And yes, "eeriest" is a word.


You know how a bush-stone curlew when to sing don't you? It gets a bush=stone curlew cue.

Sorry I couldn't resist I'll go sit in my corner now. 

I love it Aus, another very cool piece.

Frosty The Lucky.


Thank you for the comments.

Das: Yes, it does look like he swallowed a spud. I often use those plier parts for birds necks. They come in pairs which is nice. The curlews have loud calls like a peacock, only much more mournful. Pretty creepy on a moonlit night, especially if there's a dingo or two howling as well. Some folks can't stand them, but I like them around. I counted 17 on our paddock in the rain a few days ago. They love rain and race around in circles flapping their wings. Bit like guinea fowl.

Biggun: Those stone sculptures are great, Thanks for posting; I think stones may feature strongly in future yard art.

JHCC: Ditto on the peacocks. Horrible sound.

Frosty: The punmaster! Curlew-cue indeed.  :rolleyes:

Hans: Thanks.


On ‎20‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 5:12 AM, ThomasPowers said:

My neighbor had a donkey.  Great was the rejoicing when it found another home!

Your neighbour was a bit inconsiderate. He-aw, he-aw, he-aw to know better.

Sorry. I'll go sit in the corner with Frosty.

On April 22, 2018 at 7:34 AM, ausfire said:

Pretty creepy on a moonlit night, especially if there's a dingo or two howling as well.

I was with a paranormal group doing ghost hunts for a few years. The most active place we stayed at over night was a very old large farmhouse and barn ( Prospect Place in Ohio) it had farmfields around.  The coyotes in the distance certainly added to the creepiness factor that night. They sounded like banshees crying in the night. 

1 hour ago, Daswulf said:

I was with a paranormal group

I knew you were a little spooky sometimes Das but I didn't know you were a ghost. Coooooool! 

About 25 years ago I was sitting in a lawn chair the desert in E. Washington watching the Perseid meteor shower and I kept hearing sounds, like really faint sniffing or breathing but there was a light breeze so . . . Then I felt something cold touch me just above my belt on the right and I turned around quickly. Face to face with a coyote sniffing my spare tire, it had really BIG eyes. I don't know which one of us hit the ground first and the rest of the pack scattered in the grease wood, creosote bush and such. 

I went back to watching the meteor shower and after a while they came back but weren't sneaking, not noisy just not sneaky silent. I think they were looking for food scraps, wrappers, etc. That first few minutes thinking I was hearing things moving around was pretty spooky but I'd looked and didn't see anything so . . . . Heck, the worst part was the showers weren't very good that year. It's too light in August to see the Perseids here

Frosty The Lucky.


Who said I was the ghost? ;) 

cool story Frosty. That would be a wild surprise. I had a deer snort about a foot behind me while watching meteors from up on my hill many years ago. Scared me pretty good, and the deer too when I startled. 


I was walking up our drive in Vermont one horn summer day on my way back from the swimming hole when I felt a cold touch right below my shoulder blades. When I turned around, I realized it was Pooka, the neighbors’ Great Dane. 


I had a little skunk sniff my shoelaces in camp one morning!  It was predawn and so dark that I couldn’t tell what he was at first!  Both of us were a bit startled to discover each other!  Usually I can smell a skunk for at least half a mile... so this one had no odor... I’ve wondered whether he might have been one of those that are scentless.  He seemed shy.  This one was young but not a baby... the babies are as cute as any critter I’ve seen!

16 hours ago, Daswulf said:

Who said I was the ghost? ;)

YOU said you were part of a group of paranormals.  :rolleyes:

Meteor shower, you too eh? Maybe we should start a thread, "Meteor shower wild life." 

Frosty The Lucky.


We had a group of paranormal investigators come to our Village. They were particularly interested in our old (1900) hotel which is now our tearooms. They also wanted to test our dress shop which contains many old Victorian era funeral dresses. They freak a lot of people out and some say they have seen 'a presence' in there. Some will not even go in the shop. Others say they have seen a little girl appear and disappear in our 1880 school room. I work there and I have never seen anything out of the ordinary.

The investigators spent the night in the hotel with all their infra-red devices and vibration sensors etc, but I don't think they came up with much.

And I watch meteor showers too. The Leonids in November are can be quite spectacular in our dark skies.


It's been overcast for the Leonids the last 4 years in a row. Last year it was clear as a bell till the day before we entered the edges of the stream and two days after we left it.

Frosty The Lucky.

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