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I Forge Iron

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Hello! Who can say what brand this anvil is and what is the estimated year of construction? It's for sale at The second hand store. What a worth it is?

Edit: An anvil weight is about 100#




Looks pretty old and well used but not abused. Sorry I can't help on price or age. If the rebound were good it would be a good old anvil. 


What is the anvil market like in Finland?  Don't think telling you what we pay here in America on the border with Mexico has much validity  with the market up there!

(for my historical reenactment kit I might go as high as US$2 a pound depending on the rebound test over the sweet spot.)


Hi Jouni,

In Finland I'd consider this anvil as a rarity, and if I had the money for it I'd buy it immediately. 

My opinion only but this looks like it's not factory made, most likely in some workshop nearby a bloomery. It has cracks in its body and other things that make me think it's made of bloomery iron. The shape and the hole shows it can't be too old, maybe 1800-something.

I like it BTW, looking quite pretty and unique. Is it in a kirpputori? (I bought half of my knife collection from those places.)




22 minutes ago, JustAnotherViking said:

How much are they asking for it?

80 €

Gergely, it isn't a kirpputori. It's second hand store (owner could say antique shop, I could say junk shop.. :-) ) 

Maybe I buy it, it's, however, a beautiful decorative object. 


I'd buy it and put it next to my woodstove and crack nuts on it during the winter!  (Friday digression: My wife wanted to crack nuts at the kitchen table once down here at my casita and asked me for a nutcracker. She didn't like the pair of gatepost pliers I handed her so I went and got a small scrap piece of 3/4" plate and a 2-4 oz ball peen hammer; they stayed at her place and she used them until the season changed...Funny having an old coffee cup full of pens and pencils on the table with this micro ballpeen sticking out of it too.)


I'd buy it, based on what you say the market is, it sounds like a good price. Even if I never used it, she'd be a proud addition to my shop or living room. Splitting kindling is a common job in winter and she'd work sweet with a roughly forged "hardy."

Heck, I'd be bringing it home right now and let Deb yell at me later. ;)

Frosty The Lucky.


I've seen one or two pop up at huuto and tori. Finnish anvil market is heavy with our national jewel Lokomo around the country, Dalsbruk in the western part of the country and USSR random quality stuff in the east. Of course throngs of I-beams and railroad pieces cut to resemble a London pattern anvil are everywhere, for 10€/kg and up!

EDIT: I just remembered a recent "treasure" I saw at a flea market. There was this tiny, ~0.5kg piece of railroad sold as a "professional knifemaking anvil". The asking price was a modest 23€!

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