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I Forge Iron

Student knives


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I decided to just make a new topic for student work because they have been cranking them out lately!

Usually their first knives are 1095 with some sort of micarta/G10/synthetic. Everyone has been so creative with even with that limitation - I think that's the nature of teaching youth, they are inventive!


One of my more recent students said something that really stuck with me: "Some day I'm going to give this to my kid". That's what it's all about






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I enjoyed the pictures of the kids showing their knives, I wished there were more faces with the associated knives.....and the red haired boy with the mint colored handle is IMHO very good.

Extreme tension line of a fighter that dont go out of control,... very well proportioned!

but above all, it needs somebody who is able and good in teaching people, especially kids....

...to me it seems that You are very good in this Theo:)

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Well done Theo, My blade favorite profile is pic 2, the kid in the red T shirt. I'm not much of a fan of neo tribal blades they look unfinished to me but the profile of the blade and handle look to be the most utilitarian. Poor kid looks like he didn't want to be in the pic. Tell him Frosty thinks his blade rocks he should be grinning like crazy. 

They're all excellent work I don't see one I don't like.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I dont care what the blade look like, or even that these are blade. I"m excited about kids learning skill, and actualy creating phisical product with their own hands.

Learning pure accademic subjects, and knowing about the world only from virtual information sources has been a plague for many years now. It's great that some of the kids are exposed (willingly?) to the real world.

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The thing I find really neat about it all is these are often kids that are placed in accelerated programs for math, science, technology, etc. and they want to work with their hands to broaden their skill sets. Sometimes I throw in extra metallurgy with their classes when it seems like they can handle it, and usually they soak it up like a sponge.

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You'd be amazed at what kids can do sometimes.  Iyuv pointed out that schools no longer teaching manual skills for the most part.  The modern kid has a longer school day than previous generations with far fewer opportunities to be creative or have an actual product when they are done.  Add cell phones to that and it's no surprise this generations appears to be willfully undermining their educations.  Sadly, as money gets tighter, that stuff will continue being cut first.


You could teach reading, writing math and history all in your bladesmithing course...no problem.  Heck, I could write that curriculum easily.  And the kids would be interested in doing the work.

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Great blades, I'm sure you are a great teacher by the way they look. I really like the first one.

As someone currently in public school, y'all are all correct with what you are saying. They have nothing that encourages students to do physical work, it almost seems as though they are against it, saying that you have to have Some desk job as a lawyer, or doctor, and if your not your a "lower class". And with today's standards maybe you are a lower class, but If your happy why does it matter? The schools don't teach you to follow happiness, but to follow money. Personally, I dont give a rip if I don't have as much money as the next guy, but I do care about doing things that please me. If you gave kids the chance to forge, or do something else with there hands they would, it's just that most don't get that chance, as nobody seems to think it's important. Everybody has the urge to create things in them, that's why some of the most popular video games are centered around building  things. Sure most are stuck up rich brats, but thats because they were raised that way. It's not just the schools that have an influence, but the parents. If the childs parent is a manual laborar, chances are the child will be too, they dont know anything different than that. If the child's parent is some slime ball who cares nothing more than what others think of him, and his money, than chances are, they will be the same. So, point is, is that if parents aren't teaching there children good values, and skills and trades, than who do you expect will??

Everyone has potential, though not everybody has a chance.

    Ok, done with rant.



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Thank you Mr. Hockett. Now, in highschool we do have wood shop though it is very limited.


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Mr. Hockett!!! Hahaha hold up there buddy Im only 28. Good stuff though I needed a laugh. But in all seriousness you have very good manners and seem very knowledgeable so I commend you!. 

Sorry Theo, not trying to hijacl your thread. Again those are nice blades your students should be very proud!

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Well said Mark, he more you say and show us the better I like you. A while back Mike Rowe of "Dirty Jobs" fame did a "Ted Talk" about how people who do things access danger differently. What a person who works with their hands thinks of as acceptable risk has office frantically types trying to invent laws to protect us from. There was one statement he made that had a profound effect on me. He said, "Don't follow your dreams, take your dreams with you." Come to think about it I think it was an interview Mike did on the Dennis Miller show. 

Tommie: You've heard the old saying that, "it isn't the years it's the miles." Yes? Well, Mark is putting on some truly excellent miles, I think he has a good map. 

Frosty The Lucky.


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5 hours ago, Tommie Hockett said:

Mr. Hockett!!! Hahaha hold up there buddy Im only 28. Good stuff though I needed a laugh. But in all seriousness you have very good manners and seem very knowledgeable so I commend you!. 

Sorry Theo, not trying to hijacl your thread. Again those are nice blades your students should be very proud!

Thank y'all. Anybody who I respect or who is 20+ I try to use yes 'mam, yes sir, Mr., Mrs., Miss. I slip every now and then and don't use proper manners, or I'll say something like yes 'mam to like a 7 year old.... problem is then they want you to call them mam, sir, all the time! You have more years on this earth than I do, and you deserve some respect. Even people who I very (very) much dislike I still try to use manners.

Thank you very much Frosty! I'm glad I can be a bit different than how most veiw my generation. Right. That's one thing when people come to my shop is some are very safety concerned and nervous, I'm just like live a little. Safety is important but there is no reason to walk around in a bubble afraid of everything. 

Thank you again Frosty. You heard the saying "you are who you hang around"? Yes? Well I'm truly fortunate to be hanging with some darn good People.

      Yes Theo, I too apologize for taking this thread down a different road, but there is a reason for everything, though I'm not the one who knows.


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Yeah, southern manners are a good thing, I'm especially fond of ,"Bless your heart." Being polite to people who irritate you is a good way to get their blood pressure soaring. If I go so far as to get formally polite it's a sure sign you're . . . raw compost in my opinion.

Ah, kids your age aren't all . . . unproductive I seem to meet more decent young men and women than gangstahs. Makes me feel good to see folk who are going to leave the place better than they found it. You're already making things better. More people should hang with you and your friends.

Frosty The Lucky.

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