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Armitage Mouse Hole no pritchel hole

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Anyone have a rough idea how old this mouse hole anvil it? I think it's pre 1830 or 1850 for lack of the pritchel hole from some things I've seen. Better info would be fun to know. 

I picked it up today at auction for $2.15 a lb. it's 93lbs. On the bathroom scale and marked 0.3.16 I think. After wire wheeling it I see  Armitage Mouse Hole. But nothing else other then a stamp on the foot under the horn. 

Hardy hole is 5/8"

overall length is 18 3/4"

heigth is 9"

face length is 3 5/8"

face length is 11 1/4"

i was pretty happy with the condition and about 60-70% rebound. So I think it might make a good demo anvil for me. It's a great usable anvil. Also only has a small area of 1/16" sway. Yeah I'm happy. 

Many ideas on its age? And that mark on the foot under the horn?












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From the research I've done it appears that the M&H designation occurred during 1820-1835.  Pritchel holes weren't added until 1830 or so though. My Mousehole anvil has the M&H Armitage marking on it but also has a pritchel hole.  So I believe mine is somewhere between 1830-1835.  So you're is probably somewhere between 1820-1830. Hope that helps.

My M&H also has a mark, but it says "CP".  I wonder if the primary builder of them back then put their own mark on it when it during manufacturing.  Total off the cuff guess on that.

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41 minutes ago, ScottyOmega said:

My Mousehole anvil has the M&H Armitage marking on it but also has a pritchel hole.  So I believe mine is somewhere between 1830-1835.  

Mine is the same. 

42 minutes ago, ScottyOmega said:

My M&H also has a mark, but it says "CP".  I wonder if the primary builder of them back then put their own mark on it when it during manufacturing.  Total off the cuff guess on that.

The one on your anvil, Das, has an interesting resemblance to @Latticino's touchmark. Hmmm....

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Mine has no original pritchel (alas a poor attempt to retrofit one) and no cutting step but the basic shape is the same (that speedboat hull under the horn that I like so much).

Nice find, you'll be hard pressed to find any other marks on something that old. I think mine is a C&A from a bit earlier and I found the C and part of the weight stamp, nothing else :(

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