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I Forge Iron

can we agree to disagree?

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16 hours ago, Gerald Boggs said:

You're right and I apologize, that was completely out of bounds.  My mother recently died and I find myself a bit short tempered this days.  I though you were trolling and lashed out.  Again, my apologizes

Thank you for coming back…and I am sorry to hear about your mother. My mum is going to have her 93rd birthday on Wednesday, and I am fortunate that apart from shrinking on a daily basis, she is remarkably cheerful!

I cannot pretend that I was not upset by your personal “boring” comment but after I looked back through my posts I did think it was unfounded and was able to shrug it off.  I was not forcing anybody to read my musings.

I think the discussion has been surprisingly on topic in fact, given how threads quite often stray on fora. Though admittedly my posts were perhaps slightly towards the abstruse spectrum.

I was intrigued and did care, about the OP’s initial query though…

With conflicting political commentary we know that it will always be biased by the left or right wing media. Depending on the source, we can make adjustments to get it nearer a truth which will likely be somewhere in the middle. 

With the rare occasions of conflicting technical information how do we know which book to trust? 

Just more sources (whether from Books, Experience, Colleagues, Internet fora) in order to acquire a consensus, I guess is the answer.

Thank you again for your subsequent post, I feel a lot better. I will now go and get on with my other hobby of watching some paint dry! :)


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