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I Forge Iron

This blacksmithing thing is getting pretty serious

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Ok guys I'm in over my head. I started dabbling with blacksmithing built a trash can break rotor forge. I like to hammer when the  honeydo's are done. Being a trucker I only hammer on the weekend. Now my set up is outdoors in my back yard. (my neighbors have horses they constantly ask me if I'm ready to make horse shoes and think it's hilarious) in my travels I  recently acquired for free all these tools for ironworking. My question is how can i put this stuff to use. I don't plan on living in this house in a few years. So I don't want to build a shop but I really want to. 














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I can dispose of it for you, I'll evan pay shipping! Man though, that's a lot! especially for free! you know some nice people! Wow!


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i wholeheartedly agree with you Fuzz this is a serious problem...step one is to PM me so you can rid yourself off these burdensome tools (dont worry i will "dispose" of them properly).B)Seriously though you have enough to do whatever you would like to start off and all the extra vises/stakes/hammers will be great for trading with other smiths at hammer ins/get togethers.

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During WWII there was a system called "Lend Lease" where the US furnished to allied countries all sorts of equipment and they were suppose pay for them or return it when the war was over which never happened.  I'm sure there is a bunch  of blacksmiths on this sight that would be glad borrow this stuff and return it when you want it if you can find us. :rolleyes:  

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You guys are a bunch of mooches. I'm thinking of building a bench and   tarping  it up when not in use. That way I can use some of it. As far as hammer ins/ get together how do I go about finding one?

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Great stuff, great for you. Hope you find a place to keep it all until you are 100% settled somewhere. I really believe in what goes around, comes around---you must be a nice guy.ABANA may be able to help you find a local group.

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Man, it looks like we both have the same problem, only in my case it's welding machinery.

It seems to follow me home.... Funny how that works :D

Dont build a bigger place to store it or you'll just end up with more junk, uh I mean stuff :D


Nice pieces tho!

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9 hours ago, Fuzz557 said:

 As far as hammer ins/ get together how do I go about finding one?

Here you go!  Next New England Blacksmiths' event.

Detailed info and online pre-registration for the spring 2016 "working" hands on meet are now on the NEB website.  Join a team at the meet and forge part of a decorative grill, or work with professional fabricators and get some welding tips and tricks, or just watch and learn and enjoy the food, tailgating, and camaraderie!


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You could store the "items" that you don't plan on using somewhere else (ex, storage locker, shed, garage-if you have the room) and keep the stuff you plan on using frequently on your property, and then once you move take everything out and build a home for all of them.


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Great score. 

I move a ton of stuff in and out when I'm using it. I do have two building but as another said. The more buildings the more "stuff" ya get. 

I set a post vise up on a 2x6 and nailed that between two saw horses, my anvil?  I have on a log and 6 inch deep 2x2 ft piece of concrete so I can move it around two. same with my Marvel forge and blower I can move it around by myself with two skateboards. 


This is a must for me since I live right down town and need to lock up certain tools or just move them out of the way every now and then. 

Not to mention I need the room in one building to get my transports in and out to work on and the old Roadrunner lives in one 1/2 of one building year round.

Again great score. 


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