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I Forge Iron

Can you name this anvil?

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Purchased an older anvil from a widow and can't find a name. It does have a couple identifying marks, they are. On one side there is a bird with, what looks like, lighting bolts in one talon and as a guess olive branch in the other? There is a number 7 under the horn. No other marks, anywhere.


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Name her Betsy? Really most of the people here will tell you that without pictures it's almost impossible to identify an anvil unless you can read the name of it yourself. Also, many people new to the craft ask about restoring an anvil, but I've only seen one where restoration was actually needed (and 3/4 of the steel facing had come off entirely and was missing). I'm glad you haven't asked that part yet, but there's little that needs to be done to these fine tools we call anvils, besides treat them well with hot iron/steel.

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