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I Forge Iron



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Here's a large one I made from a Sawmill Blade. (Stock Removal) It measures 14" 1/2 long and 3/16 thick. The handles are stabilized and dyed black ash burl.  The blade had some imperfections in it so I didn't kill myself trying to remove all of them. I kinda made most of it at work with a file and sandpaper due to the fact I didn't have my 2x72 there. It turned out well to be done with primitive tools. Sorry I for the bad pics. The thing has a great feel to it and is balanced better than anything I've made so far.







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It's the camera flash making all the glare off the blade. Use oblique and filler lighting rather than the flash or if you can't, cover the flash with a single ply of tissue paper for diffuse lighting.

Not being a bladesmith guy I can't make knowledgeable comments on the blade itself other than to say I'd use it.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thank you Frosty. I do need a better camera. The pictures don't do the knife justice. I'll try and get better pictures of it when I have some time. It's not easy working 60 hours a week on night shift.

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Done that, 6/10s was a way of life for me for almost 20 years. It isn't the camera it's the lighting, the flash is bouncing straight back at the lens. A little tissue does wonders and is WAY cheaper than fancy filters, diffusion covers on filler lamps, reflectors, etc. etc.

The picture quality of the camera is good enough for forum pics it just needs a little help. ;)

Frosty The Lucky.

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