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I Forge Iron

Medallion Advice

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I've been wanting to begin this project for along time, but I need a little direction. I want too make a decent 2 inch diameter Pure 999.9 fine silver medallion. I would like an old Odin(wodin) picture on it. What do I need to start the picture on for transfer? I was thinking sculpting clay. I dont know if i need to make wooden carved model or a clay model. I believe clay would be easier too work. Basically a 1 sided Flat medallion with a cartoony picture on 1 side. But for getting the picture too pop out is whats confusing me.

Edited by Rawsteel
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Welcome aboard Rawsteel, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance.

You're talking cast silver, you'll want to talk to some jewelery folk about what casts best, 999.9 might not be the best bet but I'm not a jewelry guy.

Your best bet ls probably going to be lost wax investment casting. You'll need to carve your master pattern from IIRC monocrystaline wax. This burns out leaving minimal residue. Don't quote me or go buy a block of wax till you talk to the jewelry folk, they'll know.

From there on it's pretty straight forward, silver has a low enough melting temp I believe you can use plaster of paris but maybe not.

Were I going to do it I'd take a "jewelry" extension course at the local community college. Heck I might be able to do a trade and teach a blacksmithing class. Or just get out my wallet and have it cast for me.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Frosty, tut,tut,' get out my wallet' indeed if you were up on your 'blacksmith gems'  you'd've used 'hit it with your purse ' instead! :D Rawsteel  you can even carve 'cuttlefish bone' (think budge treat) to use as a 'mould' silver DIY casting has been a popular hobby for a long time.  Taking a course is the best option but a quick visit to your local library will probably get you buckets of useful info. Please update your profile to include your general location, you might have someone close that can help you easily, if you're in Johannesburg, I can loan you some books on the subject .

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I've transferred fingerprints before using fresh petrobond oil sand and you can even carve the mold itself!  Or anything that will take the moulding .        999 casts very well though it does melt at a higher temp than sterling and won't be quite  as tough.

However your post does rather read like "I'm entering a formula one race Saturday; can someone teach me how to drive and do it over the net?"

You will probably want to start with simpler and less costly projects.  Take a look at the backyardmetalcasting.com and various jewelry making sites.  Also here in the USA community colleges often offer a jewelry making classes that will cover casting.  A friend of mine teaches one at NM Tech in Socorro NM!

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I didn't want step by step. Sorry for the confusion i will fix that after work. I was just lost on where to begin on a decorative piece, the initial carving aspect. I don't even want too know your style, I know certain things in this trade you just can't give away. I can grind out knife blanks and HT them but carving is not my line of work. I was just wondering what is the most common material used for making a mold.  

However your post does rather read like "I'm entering a formula one race Saturday; can someone teach me how to drive and do it over the net?"


I didn't take it as that but......ok. I just wanted too know whats easy too carve on.

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The panel wont let me Edit the post anymore, I'll just have too roll with it as it. I will do a little more research.  Thanks frosty and ianinsa I will check into some jewelry books and internet info. I was actually thinking i would have to build a dye and stamp the emblem onto a medallion. I see there are alot of options available.

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