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I Forge Iron

Looking for a smith in southern NH

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Hey guys! 

Pumped i found this forum and site. I've been stuck in an apartment complex for almost 2 years in Manchester NH. I will be moving south to the Londonderry area and I was hoping to find someone local who is willing to answer all my ridiculous questions and help me grab some hands on hammer time. I currently work for the state of NH part-time so i have 3 full days of absolutely NOTHING to do, BUT lack to space, material and tools to begin my goal of bladesmithing. Regarless, im stoked that this community is thriving and hope to learn the art.

​Much Appreciated, 

JC Krusen

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Welcome aboard John, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance.

It's awful close to the weekend to be of much help finding something going on in your neighborhood. If you want to catch a plane to Anchorage you can attend our club's tong work shop this Saturday. The directions, time, price, etc. are in teh Alaska Association sub forum near the bottom of the IFI front page. Heck, I believe the regional organization closest to you would be there too! ;)

Frosty The Lucky.

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