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I Forge Iron

Peter or Henery Anvils ??

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Well The ? is ask what is the difference In the making of the anvil ? from both bothers ?

shape ? tempting ? WHAT ? I have repaired both LOL good anvils, ! not to much ring ,90 % bounce back on test  :o

Now I am talking about theirs HW & PW only I have repaired 25 + / over mostly Peters

last one was a Henery  I repair the face & it was WAY ! harder than any of the others I have done including   my two in the shop I repaired I don't remember having to grind that harded then the grinder had no problem, THE ! last one I did with 9" grinder it  chocked !! & this is a grinder you can sit on !! & it still go's !

SP O well LOL long day



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Manufacturing variability was often quite great in earlier days and it's not unknown to have anvils from the same maker vary quite a bit in hardness, perhaps the quench flume was more effective in winter; or an order of face steel came in with a higher Carbon content; or both!  As many anvil makers started their careers working in the shops of other anvil manufacturers; anvils looking quite the same are often the norm; sometimes a single feature will be changed allowing them to extol their new and improved version.

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Scrambler: Iron wolf is a LOT more articulate and legible than that post. I think something must have either distracted him or he was just too tired. He may not be looking at this thread, a lot depends on how he has his notifications or view most recent posts set.

His post is date chopped last week.I wouldn't have seen your response if I didn't have my preferences set to show all new posts. I'm thinking if he doesn't respond in a day or so you PM him but maybe just say you didn't understand his response and copy it to him.  Giving him suggestions about punctuation, etc. are more likely to tick him off enough to not respond at all. Heck, he might be out of town on a job and unable to correct the original or respond to you now.

Frosty The Lucky.

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