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I Forge Iron

Some unusual hammers? 1 of 3

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This is a sheet metal hammer used in deep areas. Think forming the base of a metal vase by reaching down through the mouth and working around the base. This would form a rounded corner between the foot and the stem. That's just a "could do that with it" example. I have a few similar if different shaped hammers in the Connex and keep them around because I just never know one might come in handy some day.

IIRC there are good examples of this type hammer in use in silver smithing videos. One I seem to recall is a Japanese silversmith making a one piece tea pot. He uses a lot of different hammers some kind of similar to this one.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Could that be why I have so many different and odd tools? Well, there are piles of strange shaped metal of various kinds, and such. Oh heck I'm a pack rat and all of it is good for . . . something.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Does anybody know what this hammer is used for? I find myself becoming fascinated by hammers now and I picked these up cheap at the flea market. It looks like a miniature of some I've seen at tire shops, but looked useful to me.IMG_20150511_192405.thumb.jpg.c40c0e865dIMG_20150511_192435.thumb.jpg.cb84c033ce

If you look up the video I did on cable damascus you can see my use of a similar hammer. Search the forums here or just google 'jwsblades', I've got a small video page on my website - just because its an auto body hammer doesnt mean theres no use for it in the forge and out of the box uses seem to present themselves once you have it, heck, I've forged entire bladed with mine! :) Happy swinging!


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If you look up the video I did on cable damascus you can see my use of a similar hammer. Search the forums here or just google 'jwsblades', I've got a small video page on my website - just because its an auto body hammer doesnt mean theres no use for it in the forge and out of the box uses seem to present themselves once you have it, heck, I've forged entire bladed with mine! :) Happy swinging!


I just watched your video and saw the hammer that looks like mine. Pretty cool! When I bought these hammers I knew they might not have been made specifically for smithing but that doesn't discourage me from using them that way, if they'll work. Looks like you made yours work just fine.

Turns out the one I thought was some sort of flatter isn't even a metal working hammer at all. I'm still going to try and see how it does. I won't even have to switch to my brass hammer because the struck end is hard rubber. 

Thanks for posting!

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