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I Forge Iron

Dallas Anvil ID Help?

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I just found an anvil covered in paint at an auction and spent the last week trying to clean it up. Once I had gotten most of the paint off I noticed very shallow letters on the front face, which appear to say:




It also is marked 311 under that, which I'm assuming is the weight in pounds since it's an American anvil. It's welded to the stand right over the first digit of the serial number unfortunately, but I've cleaned it up enough to see the rest. I'm thinking that the number behind the bracket is very narrow, possibly a one, or it could have just been worn down over the years. The other numbers are 7013. There are also a pair of twos on either side of the handling hole under the horn.


Really I'm just interested in knowing more about this anvil, especially since it's my first one. Any information at all would be helpful.


I apologize for the pictures. I know they're hard to make out, but they were the best I took out of about 30 in different lighting.








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What does the bottom look like?  Does it have an hourglass shaped depression in it?

​It's difficult to tell, since it's welded to the stand. I felt under there and it feels fairly even, so I doubt there's much of a depression if there is one.

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