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I Forge Iron

Ideal Axe eye shape for the 6lb variety?

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I've been commissioned to make a pick head axe for a co-worker at the fire station.  I've looked at several pick head axes here and find them a little large in regards to the axe eye, almost 1" wide, and 2 1/2" in length.  My concern is since I will be using wood instead of fiberglass, the handle would become too wide/unwieldy at the top.  The shape on these is a stretched oval.  Has anyone tried a D shape or some other variety for a large felling axe?  I've forged drifts for hammers and smaller hatchets, but nothing this large yet.  He wants his axe a pound lighter than the ones here, so that would put it at 6lbs.  I am forging the axe from a solid piece of 4140.

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I know nothing about pick head axes so cannot answer your question directly…but the thought occurs that if your colleague wants a lighter axe, could you just modify a heavier one by stock removal? No forging fun opportunity obviously, but probably the most economic solution. The handles (and eye) would then be standard and readily replaceable...


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Look at the "polaskie" used by brush fire crews, using the pick for more than popping tires (like diging threw a brick warehouse wall) the classic goats foot hadle is a PITA. Many fire fighters also like either a 3# 3/4 axe or a 2# hand axe. ( the pick ads a bit of weight) 

blade profiles also sould be considerd, a thin blade is for cutting green hardwood wile a thiker wedge like blade is used for everything else (cutting threw rooves to ventilate, front windshilds during an extracation ect.)

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