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I Forge Iron

Coal firebox help


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dear  Gentlemen and ladies,  im having trouble  generating enough  heat in my firebox

Its Coal fired with   a  good  air supply ( maybe to good)   It is hooded with  some  silica bricks,

sides and top   , but I just cant seem to   get  an even sparkle  to  weld  ,

any Ideas,  regards  

Homemade steve.

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This question basically equates to: My car won't start can you tell me why?

We need a whole lot of details before we can make any decent guesses.  Pictures would help a lot!

If you put your general location in your profile you might find someone who could look it over and give you suggestions without playing "20 questions"

"What type of coal and size? How deep is the fire pot? How tall is the pile of fuel? how large are the air openings? What type of blower? What size stock are you using? How is it oriented in the fire?..."

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