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Swapmeet scores this morning! Add to last weeks!

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Figured I would share todays score before work. Not as large as last saturdays, but still pretty cool.


Bell system pic#1

vaughn Pic#2

vaughn pic#3

heller 1 1/2 pic#4

craftsman vise pic #5

machinist blocks pic#10

not sure on one ball hammer...

pic#8 says Maydox ball hammer pretty big...

and a wierd red flatter type hammer that is disigned to have no recoil bounce..has counter weight inside. Anyone know what its for?












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Fuller is the heller in picture #4 right?.....please, I won't get mad, so act like I am mentally ill and don't know what a striker is.... lol I am still learning names of things.

And a 1 2 3 is a ?


Dead blow, kinda cool name. As in it stops cold on striking right...?


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sorry for the rapid posts...but I consulted my friend google, and got a idea of what a 1 2 3 block is...The old guy (retired machinist) just gave me the block either he is showing me a kindness or because I've bought blocks from him 3 weeks in a row lol


I figure I would turn the other blocks into hardies....

thought would be cheaper than buying them..

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Pretty nice score . . . AGAIN! I'm beginning to suffer serious swap meet envy. <sigh> Ball peins are good to pick up if the price is right, manufacturers not that important unless it's something rare enough to sell. Nice fuller. A striker is the guy standing on the other side of the anvil with the sledge hammer who hits what you direct him to with a blow from the hammer in your hand.

Old blacksmith joke. Master smith to new apprentice, "take the sledge hammer and stand there, when I nod my head you hit it."

The wrench is a Monkey wrench, the old school adjustable wrench like a Crescent. They make good twisting wrenches if you want to weld a second handle on it in line with the existing one. However, twisting wrenches aren't that hard to make and don't really need to be adjustable.

That's a nice little drill or mill vise. Keep it in good shape, you'll use it a LOT on the drill press. If you don't have a drill press now you'll get one, they're just too useful not to have.

You got it in one, a dead blow just stops on impact. A steel faced one would work nicely for setting welds, minimize rebound and shearing from a too hard blow. Lots of things a dead blow hammer are good for.

It's hard to tell what the pein on the Bell systems hammer is so no telling what it might be good for. Probably a tin knocker's hammer but it might be pointed and a mason's hammer. We'd need a look at the pein end on to make an educated guess.

Nice scores all round.

Frosty The Lucky.

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The vise was the most expensive at $5 or was it the machinist block....i forget...all in all I think I paid $25-35 for everything. Hard to remember...but the fun was in the looking. What ever I don't use I can sell later on...really liked the vise too.

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Anybody ever bring you two empty 5gl. buckets and chalk your name on the flight line? Best comeback I ever saw personally was when one of the foremen sent a new guy to get elbow grease. The new guy gave him a couple tubes of KY jelly at dispatch the next morning. We laughed about Bob's elbow grease for years, probably still laughing.

I do so love a good comeback.

Frosty The Lucky.

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At times strikers are real handy to have around. In some situations it is real difficult to hold the item, punch, and hammer it at the same time. Having a striker also make larger diameter work easier to deal with. Having one who lives close is a big plus.

I use my 1_2_3 blocks at work fairly often.

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