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I Forge Iron

Milne Anvil

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Hi All,

I have been hanging around the site for awhile picking up a lot of good info and tips.

I have seen a lot of different anvils on here but none like mine. Anyone have any info on these brand anvils.

I have been using it for a couple of years and it seems OK to me. But I must admit it's the only anvil I've ever used.





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Welcome aboard, glad to have you. Appears to be a cast anvil, the body anyway. Have you done a rebound test on it? Have you joined the local organization? Nothing beats being able to get together with other blacksmiths to further your skills.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Using a 1/2 ball bearing I dropped it from 10" and got a rebound of 9 5/8" in the center of the anvil.

And 1" from the hardy hole I got a 9 1/4" rebound and 1" from the horn I got a 9 1/2" rebound.

This anvil rings very loud I have 1/4" thick x 2" wide Neoprene strips between the anvil and the stand but it's still loud.

I found a 200 lb. Fisher the other day for 300.00 bucks I'm thinking about buying it because their said to be a lot quieter.

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I've seen a few Milne anvils, they are very well made and high quality. Very noisey too. i believe I read somewhere long ago that they are northern European made but I really don't know. It looks like a very nice anvil. I have several loud anvils and have quieted them down with a chain around the waist and big round magnet under the tail from harbor freight. Depending on your stand that can also make it quieter. When mine are resting on steel they seem quieter then on wood or plastic. 


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I have a cast steel Soderfors anvil that is loud enough to do damage if it's on a wood stand. I built it a steel stand very much like yours without anything between it and the stand. It quietened it down significantly. Anvils ring because the shock wave can rebound between the air transition at the face and foot. If it's sitting something that doesn't inhibit resonance it will ring like a bell. However being in contact with something with a different resonant frequency the two become self damping. My anvil now clanks rather than make y ears ring through plugs or muffs.

Give removing the rubber from your stand a try and see how it works. Can't cost a thing.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I was told that in the old times that a popular joke made to apprentices was to place cork pieces under the feet of the anvil, so the anvil will ring like hell. remove the neoprene, bolt the anvil to the stand tightly, put sand in the feet, etc.

look in the forum for the "very quiet anvil stand".

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I was told that in the old times that a popular joke made to apprentices was to place cork pieces under the feet of the anvil, so the anvil will ring like hell. remove the neoprene, bolt the anvil to the stand tightly, put sand in the feet, etc.

look in the forum for the "very quiet anvil stand".

​Oh that is just DIRTY mean Matei! I wonder where I can find some cork. <evil grin>

Frosty The Lucky.

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